What about the competition for the precarious of the school


Today many newspapers reported the news that the Ministry of Education would have chosen October 22 as the start date of the extraordinary contest for the allocation of 32 thousand places reserved for the so-called precarious middle and high school with at least 3 years of service. The publication in the Official Gazette was scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, September 29, but in the last hours M5S and Pd have once again divided the start of the competition.

The Democratic Party, through its school principal Camilla Sgambato, said on the afternoon of September 28 that it would prefer the competition to take place near the Christmas holidays, because doing so in October would mean “stressing the schools, which will be deprived of many teachers, who will sit the tests for the competition. ”The 5-Star Movement responded with a note from its members of the Senate Education Committee rejecting” the proposal to postpone the special contest for the school to the sender. “

The M5S recalls that there was an agreement within the government to postpone the test in the autumn, that the Movement itself would have preferred it to take place in August and that it had accepted the postponement only because the cross test had been approved and introduced. the open test. Even the unions, which this morning received the information from the Minister of Education Lucía Azzolina about the contest, are challenging the date, but also the contest’s methods. Pino Turi, secretary of the Uil School, for example, condemns the exclusion from the test of those who, according to ministerial information, are in preventive quarantine or show flu symptoms.

The need to start the competition, quickly, in October, and finish it in mid-November, became even more necessary after the school year, in addition to the problems related to the management of the coronavirus epidemic, began with dozens. Thousands of tenured teacher positions remained vacant and therefore filled by precarious teachers with substitute contracts. According to an estimate by Gilda, a teachers’ union, vacancies are between 170,000 and 180,000 in total: that is, they are vacant chairs, which have not been assigned and are filled with substitutes. Their number was very high even before the epidemic, and it was increased by new retirements and requests from teachers over 55 years of age and with previous pathologies who decided to take advantage of the possibility of not participating in face-to-face teaching due to risk. contagion.

As the 5 Star Movement recalls, Minister Azzolina would have liked the competition to take place during the summer, in order to have a greater number of tenured teachers at the beginning of the lessons, but the pressure from the unions and part of the government ( mainly PD and Liberi e Uguali), had postponed the selection, counting on an improvement in the epidemiological situation. The information provided by Azzolina to the unions foresees a security protocol no different from that used for the last high school exams, for returning to classes or for competitions that have been carried out in recent months.

The exam will be done in person and will consist of a single 150-minute PC test. Candidates will have to answer five open questions, as required by the School Decree, (and not “crosses”, that is, choosing between a series of answers, as proposed by Minister Azzolina last summer) that will be used to evaluate the skills in their own subject and teaching. There will also be a sixth question to assess knowledge of the English language. To pass the test, a minimum score of seven tenths must be obtained. Based on the results, regional rankings will be formed.

The exams will take place not only in the computer rooms of the middle and high schools, but also in the spaces of the universities that have made their availability. The workstations will be organized in such a way that physical distancing is guaranteed, the use of a mask will be mandatory and the temperature at the entrance will be controlled, which should not exceed 37.5 ° C. To access the exam, it must not be shown no flu symptoms and those in preventive quarantine will not be able to participate: as mentioned, these last conditions were condemned by the unions.

Also according to Gilda’s union calculations, the chairs to be assigned through the contest would be 6,929 in Lombardy, 3,142 in Piedmont, 3,111 in Veneto, 2,803 in Emilia-Romagna, 2,695 in Lazio, 2,368 in Campania and 2,572 in Tuscany. The largest number of chairs to be assigned is that of support teachers 5,669. It is followed by those teaching Italian, history and geography in secondary school (3,798), those from mathematics to science (3,145) and places to teach Italian in secondary school (1,753 places). Those who pass the contest and obtain the chair will have the recognition of starting their permanent employment relationship on September 1, 2020, that is, retroactive to the beginning of the year. Basically, for career and contribution purposes, it will be as if they have already started this school year not with a temporary but stable relationship.

However, the contest will not be enough to assign all the seats that were left empty this year (as we said, between 170,000 and 180,000). Minister Azzolina seeks to speed up the times of the two ordinary competitions, one for kindergarten and primary schools (12,863 places) and another for high school and high school (33 thousand places), also provided for in the School Decree. The minister’s intention is to complete the selections (in which even recent graduates can participate) before the start of the next school year.

The selections must begin in mid-November, immediately after the conclusion of the extraordinary competition, and end in December. Next, a written and an oral test will have to be organized, which must be concluded before the summer of 2021. The organization is complicated by the security measures to combat the coronavirus and the uncertainties about what will happen in the event of an aggravation of the situation epidemiological.

The Minister of Education, before the start of this academic year, had tried to address the problem of the lack of permanent teachers with two measures: a “quick call” with which she offered the possibility of being hired in a provincial position of her choice. outside their region, and an extraordinary hiring of 50,000 teachers, in addition to 20,000 school personnel, due to the epidemic. But the “quick call”, made in the first days of September, had had very few subscriptions, according to the newspapers also for fear of contagion.

Recruitment through this procedure involved the obligation to remain in their assigned location for five years, which appears to have further discouraged many teachers along with salaries that many consider too low to bear the costs of relocation. The mayor of Milan, Beppe Sala, had spoken of an “absolute fiasco”, calling “ridiculous” the number of teachers who agreed to move to Lombardy and judging that the proposed salary was insufficient compared to the cost of living in the city.
