peak of hospitalizations and intensive care. Campania-Lazio, red alert for infections – Libero Quotidiano


The contagion curve remains stable coronavirus in Italy, if we take into account that, as usual, a number of swabs are analyzed on Sundays much lower than the average. the bulletin of Monday, September 28, issued by the Ministry of Health, gives an account of 1,494 new cases of 51,109 tests, compared to 16 dead and 773 recovered. In the last 24 hours currently positive to have infringed 50 thousand: specifically, there are 50,323, but the vast majority are asymptomatic and in home isolation (47,082). However, the number of hospitals should not be underestimated because the number of beds occupied due to Covid is constantly increasing: 2,977 (+131) hospitalized with symptoms, while intensive care 264 (+10). Regarding the regions, the most worrying situation continues to be Campania, where another 295 infections are registered in the last 24 hours: hospitalizations have risen to 442, the second highest number Lazio, which has 681 hospitalized compared to 211 new cases per day. On the other hand, the situations in Veneto (183 new infections compared to 176 total hospitalizations) and in Lombardy (119) are more controlled.
