Sicily, mayors alarmed by Musumeci ordinance: “Unclear rules”


An “unclear” order, which forces mayors to “a capillary control, possible more in theory than in practice.” And the difficulty of those responsible for the premises, already in crisis after the horrible 2020, to manage controls that “do not compete with restaurateurs.” The new anti-coronavirus ordinance of Nello musumeci, even before it enters into force (it will take effect from Wednesday), it already causes an avalanche of controversy: of the mayors, already in trouble for the ordinary controls, and of those responsible for the premises. Meanwhile, a popular pub in the center of Palermo, Ballarak Magione, was closed for five days.

Playing now ….

This was announced by the Facebook page of the same restaurant: “In a calm situation – the managers announce – we have undergone a new control that, in our opinion, totally unjustified, forces us to close today for 5 days. it is much more flexible, and sometimes extremely flexible, when it comes to observing the rules and enforcing them effectively and transparently – patience, we don’t care. We have always acted governed by respect and observance of the correct rules and by the common sense that this period demands of us, and we will always continue to do so with the utmost professionalism and seriousness that distinguishes our work ”.


Strict anti-contagion: obligation to wear a mask outdoors and prohibition of parking on the street

The problem, in addition, is the control of the areas outside the premises. Because if the stop in Ballarak is not yet an application of the new rules, what worries the managers is the daily life of the next few days: on paper, the “ban on meeting” allows you to sit at the tables in a bar or pub , but not in the square or in the street in front, with a problem of nuances in the application of the law that worries the owners of the premises. “We – says the leader of the Federation of public exercises, Antonio Cottone – We can control our areas of relevance, not the square in front of the club. We are not a watchdog ”. For Cottone “the ordinance is not clear, although the reference to the guidelines allows us to work as we have done now.”

It is the paradox that worries mayors. For example, that of Syracuse, Francesco Italy: “With the month of October and therefore the probable arrival of the normal flu – it puts its hands on it – the possibility of spreading, of creating a state of enormous alarm, is great, so the measure is theoretically correct. However “We must bear in mind that we do not have the army at our disposal. This generalized control is more theoretical than practical. We rely as always on the sense of responsibility of individuals.” For example on masks: it is allowed not to wear it if you are in presence of relatives or partners, but this means that someone will have to check whether or not the people who are together are linked by a stable relationship.


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“At a time like this – the mayor of Cefalù relaunches, Rosario Lapunzina – I absolutely do not want to make a controversy. However, he would have hoped for a clearer order, which would give the police the opportunity to act in a definite way. ” Musumeci’s new order – attack the leader of the Centopassi, Claudio Fava – only serves to make Musumeci happy. Otherwise superfluous and useless. We thank the mayors, forced to continue handling their problems in perfect solitude; We are grateful to the police who will have to spend their time evaluating social gatherings, intense motor activities and family relationships. The long waits of those who want to get a swab in public facilities remain intact ”.

“We are repressing the restrictions: we had to do it necessarily because the number of infections calls us to greater attention for a season that is about to open and where we will all have colds and coughs and everyone will be looked at with suspicion. to Catania. Therefore, the most fragile people must be protected. Wearing the mask outside is necessary and mandatory. Not when you are alone or with relatives you are with every day – he added – but in clubs, when you enter offices, shops. In public places it should be used. Particular attention – he pointed out – for those who return from foreign countries and finally some protection and surveillance measures for some groups of personnel who perform public service. It is necessary to see how the phenomenon evolves because in this epidemic politics does not decide first. The virus decides. “” But if there is a sense of responsibility on the part of all – concluded the president of the Region – as happened in the months of March, April and May where we were a model people, we can avoid worse consequences.
