Flu Shots, There’s a New Problem: Gimbe Alert


Will the flu shot be enough for everyone? The Gimbe Foundation’s Response: Data by Region

In the last days there is much talk about flu vaccine, while coronavirus vaccine trials continue in different parts of the world. This year, in fact, it is even more important to ensure that flu symptoms are not mistaken for Covid-19. For this reason, the Ministry of Health recommends the influenza vaccine to all subjects from six months of age and not only to risk categories. Since Gimbe FoundationHowever, a new alert has arrived regarding stocks.

The problem is this: will there be a flu vaccine for everyone? The independent Gimbe Foundation responds, according to which two out of three people will not find it in the pharmacy.

In most regions stocks are not adequate and they can barely guarantee the vaccine to 75% of those at risk, according to the Gimbe analysis reported by Repubblica.

The Italian Medicines Agency tried to reassure, explaining that the Regions have bought 17 million doses, capable of largely covering the needs given that 12.5 million doses were distributed last year.

Influenza Vaccine, Data by Region

Based on the analysis of the Gimbe Foundation, as explained by the project coordinator Renata Gili, the national availability was estimated at 17,866,550 doses.

In particular, 7 Regions and 2 Autonomous Provinces with available stocks reach coverage of less than 75% of the target population by age. It is the autonomous province of Trento with 70.2%, Piedmont 67.9%, Lombardy 66.3%, Umbria 61.9%, Molise 57.1%, Valle d’Aosta 51.5%, Abruzzo 49%, Autonomous Province of Bolzano 38.3%, Basilicata 29%.

As to population not at risk, the vaccine is available in Puglia for 1,084,634 people, Lazio 926,291, Sicily 256,796, Tuscany 225,661, Campania 217,252, Calabria 100,273, Sardinia 96,113, Veneto 49,712, Liguria 38,501, Emilia-Romagna 9,980, Friuli-Venezia Giulia 5,218 and Marche 5,022 .

Flu vaccine, because there are few doses

Nino Cartabellotta, president of the Gimbe Foundation, explained the scarce availability of the vaccine in this way: “The Ministry of Health and most of the Regions have not foreseen in a broad way move along the need to increase stocks for the unexposed population. Secondly, the highest demand in international markets, together with the delay with which the tenders were launched, prevented some regions from being awarded 100% of the required doses. Finally, the pharmacy they could not get supplies due to the lack of availability of the vaccine in the market ”.

VIRGILIO NEWS | 09/28/2020 4:49 PM

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Photo Source: Ansa

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