The online shopping platform notified the co-founder of the M5 with an “unappealable” ruling, permanently suspending all accounts related to the “highbeppegrillo” profile. The decision was made after the former comedian laid a pumice stone to “polish the brain of human stupidity.”
Beppe Grillo was “expelled” from Ebay. The well-known online shopping platform notified the M5 co-founder of a “final” phrase after the former comedian put up his pumice stone to “polish the brain of human stupidity.” For Grillo, the permanent suspension of all accounts related to the “altabeppegrillo” profile was activated. Ebay has also removed their “item” for sale.
EBay notification
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“Dear highbeppegrillo, after examining the activities related to your account we have decided to suspend it as we believe that these activities pose a risk to the eBay community,” reads the statement from the e-commerce site that Grillo himself published on his social profiles . “We are not making this decision lightly. However, it is our priority to ensure a reliable market in which people around the world can safely buy and sell. This suspension is permanent, so you will no longer be able to participate in activities. from buying or selling on eBay in the future. Any other accounts in your possession or associated with this account will also be suspended. We apologize for the disappointment and inconvenience this may cause you, but our decision is final “again eBay announces that it is finally announcing that the object “pumice stone of the upper Beppe” will be removed from the list of those that are for sale.
Grillo pumice stone
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On September 26, Beppe Grillo published a video announcing the “pumice stone, signed by Elevato”, against stupidity. In the video, filmed on a beach with a stormy sea, he invited his followers to make an offer to buy his “philosopher’s stone” on Ebay. “It serves to clean, to scratch, to crush the brain of human stupidity. Grind, clean, scratch the soul with the philosopher’s stone and the grinder of the elevated” that is “for sale on Ebay for a thousand euros a piece .. less I can not do it!”.