The Vibo Center shopping center
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VIBO VALENTIA – The news came last night: two new cases of positivity for Covid-19. Confirmation is given by the Vibo ASP Prevention Department who received the swab result around the age of 22. It is about a young man and a girl.
The first resides in the provincial capital and, as reported by health authorities, has had contact with some members of one of the two Stefanaconi family groups already affected by the virus. The person in question has been in isolation for a few days, probably since the news of the increase in cases in the village that is the Red Zone began to circulate since last Thursday (and that it will continue to be so until midnight on Wednesday).
The second is a girl who works in the Vibo Center shopping center, originally from a town near the provincial capital. The young woman has been in quarantine for about a week.
The Sanitary Company is trying to rebuild the interested party’s network of contacts and, at this point, it cannot be ruled out that the Department led by Dr. Pino Rodolico and Antonio Demonte, order the sanitation of the room where the girl works and that, as happened Previously, many people decide to contact the same health authorities to undergo the swab.
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