The influenza vaccination centers in Milan will be the Sacco and the Baggio military hospital. And, in addition, there will also be a marquee in Piazza Duomo.
This is the plan that the Ats (Health Protection Company) Metropolitan City of Milan is studying. In addition, vaccinations will also be carried out in seven centers for the elderly in seven municipalities of the city, with the possibility of adding more. The vaccination campaign will be expanded this year because it is important to be able to distinguish between the symptoms of covid and those of a normal flu; More places will be needed to get vaccinated, and especially wide spaces to ensure distance.
The first people to be vaccinated will be the most fragile: pregnant women, chronically ill and health workers, then they will be even those over 65 years of age.
Influenza Vaccine, The Democratic Party: “The Region Tells Lies”
Advance of 15 million euros and almost double the price compared to the first tender awarded: these are the new conditions under which the Lombardy Region, now in its eighth consecutive tender, is trying to acquire flu vaccines. It is written in the advertisement on the Aria Spa website, opened on September 7, corrected on September 11 and closed in the last hours, valid for the acquisition of 1.5 million doses at the auction price of 10 euros plus VAT. .
To date, the Region has collected 1.720 million doses for adults compared to three million people over 60 years of age, 168,000 for 300,000 health workers and 410,000 doses (which was offered in response to the request for 500,000 doses) for 600,000 minors. . from zero to six years.
The first vaccinations are scheduled no earlier than the first week of November.
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The Democratic Party had denounced in July the series of delays and underestimations about the need to buy the necessary doses on time and expand the audience. “Fontana (regional president, ed) and Gallera (health counselor, ed) stop lying to the Lombards -attacks the regional councilor for Pd Carmela Rozza- because we said in July that the Lombards would not have had vaccines and they had kept us silent. What are there vaccines in Emilia-Romagna and Veneto and not in Lombardy? Now, in the eighth race, they are forced to buy vaccines at double the price and in advance, but still they will not be able to give the Lombard doses. Enough of lies, yes stop lying and tell people the truth, maybe they too would have less trouble. “