GPS and counters delayed, Azzolina denies: we are recovering a delay of 20 years. And Fidapa rewards him – School News


The Minister of Education continues to defend the option of introducing the Provincial rankings for substitutes in a difficult period such as the Covid-19 emergency return to school and the stipulation of more than 200 thousand annual contracts. The many errors in the digitized rankings with some school offices, as happened in Naples, forced a complete redesign, the high number of schools forced to confirm reduced lesson times, the various institutions are still waiting single-seater benches, do not seem to affect the certainties of the head of the Department of Education.

In Sicily, 90% of substitutes are fine

Talking to Agrigento at the national conference of Fidapa, the minister wanted to recall that “in recent years, in this period, Sicily continued to make provisional assignments. This year we have already yielded 90% of the substitutes. In Syracuse and Ragusa they finished, today they also finish in Agrigento ”.

According to Azzolina, it is “a record result for this region that has suffered greatly from chronic delays in recent years. So it is clear that this is a difficult year due to the pandemic ”.

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For its part, the same Ministry of Education has announced that at the national level, on average, more than 80% of the positions that could be filled by moving the provincial rankings have already been transferred (a figure denied by the unions, claiming that two citations out of three have yet to be signed).

The Prime Minister himself, speaking at the Trento Economy Festival, defended the work of the Minister of Education. “I did all the high school with annual substitutes who did not arrive before December – Conte said -. This year 40,000 substitutes have already been called and another 40,000 will arrive in October. In this context, asking for all substitutes on September 14 means living in the world of fairy tales. “

All positions at the end of October

Azzolina also provided guarantees on the delivery of the 2.4 million single-seater desks requested by the schools to the Ministry of Education, which was managed by the extraordinary commissioner Domenico Arcuri.

The minister said that “Sicily has a Bulgarian percentage of bank requests because nobody has invested in the past, so in two months we are compensating for a delay of 20 years. The counters will arrive, Commissioner Arcuri has made plans because between now and the end of October, the counters will be in Sicily as in the rest of the country ”.

“The teachers are doing a great job”

Speaking of the teachers, Azzolina said that “the teachers are doing a great job, together with the Ata staff, the school principals.”

“I would like the prejudices against teachers to end because they are working very well and I don’t understand why every time we talk about teachers we have to say that they don’t fulfill their role well, that everyone wants to stay home. Enough, let’s respect them because they are the ones who represent the present and the future of our country ”, Azzolina concluded.

The Minister’s Award

During the speech at the XXXVIII national conference, held at the Palacongressi in Agrigento, Fidapa Bpw Italia (Italian Federation of Business Professional Arts Women – International Federation of Business and Professional Women) awarded the same Minister of Education.

This is the reason for the award: “To Lucía Azzolina, Minister of Education, for her tenacity, all feminine, with which, beyond any stereotype, she has returned to the Italian School its essential dimension of ‘sociality’, affirming the principle constitution of a ‘school open to all’, guarantor of equal opportunities and fundamental axis for the fight against overcoming any inequality ”.
