The objective of a closure from December 1 to 20 would be to save the celebration of the holidays and promote consumption in the previous period
According to the Duflo and Banerjee couple, who won the Nobel Prize in 2019 for their work on poverty reduction, “such a clear, uniform and transparent option,” as stated in the editorial published by The world – reduce the risks of infection for the most vulnerable people, including the elderly.
The pre-holiday lockdown would save Christmas, allowing families to reunite while limiting the damage to the economy and schools.
In this sense, in France a third of the clusters refer to schools and universities, where there are 285 outbreaks, 32% of the 899 registered.
According to the latest weekly French public health bulletin, for the first time, the world of education precedes that of companies, where there are 195 active outbreaks, followed by health facilities, with 97 clusters under observation.