Basic income: Giuseppe Conte announced Advertisements by the measure that during the last year and a half has recognized a Economical support to families living below the poverty line.
He did so during his video speech for the Trento Economy Festival, with which the Prime Minister delivered the served in Quota 100 (“renewal is not planned”) And drew attention to the need to improve the income of citizens, tying him more to thejob offer.
It is true, in fact, that the Citizenship Income was very useful since it has given many families what to live on in these months of confinement; at the same time, however, it cannot be forgotten that the objective of the measure is to help the beneficiary family to support themselves and this will only be possible once wage earners will find a new job.
In this year and a half of citizenship income only one a small part of financial support recipients found a new job; others are still in search and surely the pandemic will not help them achieve this much desired goal. These days approximately 1 million beneficiaries will lose their citizenship income after the maximum period of use (equal to 18 months) has elapsed; these will not be supported for at least a month (then there is the option to renewal) and in many cases they have not even found work.
On the other hand, the Employment Centers, with the support of the Navigators, began to work with the beneficiaries of the Citizenship Income only from September 2019 and for a few months, as the outbreak of the pandemic in March slowed operations.
But now it seems that Citizenship Income can really start with the so-called “phase two“; Changes are expected on the horizon, let’s see why.
Citizenship income: here are the changes announced by the Prime Minister
First of all, Giuseppe Conte said that he was relieved that in the most difficult period of the pandemic, in the middle of the blockade, there was a social protection measure as the Citizenship Income (to which the emergency income was later added).
The RdC, therefore, will not suffer the same fate as Quota 100 since this measure will also be confirmed in the coming years.
However, Conte confirmed that, like all reforms, also Citizen income can be improved during the implementation phase. The Prime Minister confirmed that “the project of insertion in the labor market“Linked to this measure”see us a little behind”.
In this regard, the Prime Minister announced that he had already discussed it with the competent ministers and that they will soon meet to take stock of the situation and think any corrective action that could be introduced with the Budget Law. For example, Conte thinks it is necessary “also reorganize a kind of network to offer a training and retraining process to workers”.
The hope is that already in the first months of 2021 it will be possible to present this project with which the implementation of the Citizen Income crosses with insertion in the labor world.
On the other hand, these days Anpal has given a mandate to the Navigators to initiate contact with the companies and evaluate the need they have to contract. Their work, however, will depend on the agreements reached with the different companies. Regions to what, we remember, the adequacy of labor supply and demand is competing.