news, contagion data and updates today September 27, 2020


Fifty fewer cases of Coronavirus in the city of Rome (79 on Sunday compared to 129 on Saturday), four more in the municipalities of the province (50 compared to 46 in the previous 24 hours) and an increase in regional capitals (52 on Sunday and 46 on Saturday). For a total of 181 new Covid19 infections in the Lazio region. These are the numbers published by the ASL on Sunday, September 27.

Coronavirus in the city of Rome on September 27, 2020

According to Salute Lazio, in ASL Roma 1 there are 31 cases in the last 24 hours and of these there are twelve cases with family ties or contacts of an already known and isolated case. In ASL Roma 2 there are 36 cases in the last 24 hours and among these three they have links with the Peruvian community. Six are the contacts of already known and isolated cases and two identified on the recommendation of the GP. In ASL Roma 3 there are 12 cases in the last 24 hours and it is a case of return from the United Kingdom and nine are the contacts of already known and isolated cases.

Covid19 cases in the province of Rome

In ASL Roma 4 there are 7 cases in the last 24 hours and these are six contacts of already known and isolated cases and one case identified in the prehospital phase. In ASL Roma 5 there are 30 cases in the last 24 hours and these are two cases from Abruzzo and one from Puglia. There are fourteen contacts of already known and isolated cases and four cases identified in the prehospital phase. In ASL Roma 6 there are 13 cases in the last 24 hours and there are about ten contacts of already known and isolated cases.

The data in the rest of Lazio

In the provinces there are 52 cases and one death in the last 24 hours. In Latina ASL there are twenty-three cases and these are cases of return, one from Lombardy, one from Emilia Romagna, one from Veneto and two with links to the Peruvian community. There are ten contacts of already known and isolated cases. In Frosinone ASL there are sixteen cases and there are twelve contacts of already known and isolated cases, one case identified by serological test and three cases by recommendation of the GP. In Rieti’s ASL there are seven cases and these are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In Viterbo ASL there are six cases and these are three contacts of already known and isolated cases and one case identified in the prehospital phase. A 91-year-old man died.

Commissioner D’Amato’s comment

“Of the almost 9,000 tampons that exist today in Lazio, 181 cases are registered, of which 79 are in Rome and one death – says the Minister of Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato -. The data these days tell us that we must keep the attention high. Rapid antigenic tests are useful as a first-level diagnostic tool for mass use. The prevention activity continues tomorrow in schools, tests in a Cerveteri institute and in the ‘Manara’ institute in Rome. The circular for the evolution of the regional network of hospitals is ready ”.

The Spallanzani newsletter of September 27

At the Spallanzani Institute in Rome, “131 patients with positive swabs for Sars-CoV-2 research are hospitalized. 14 patients need intensive therapy. “This was announced by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani in the medical bulletin released today, adding that” the patients discharged and transferred to their homes or other local structures are 734 this morning. ”

Zingaretti does not rule out a new blockade

Without ruling out a possible new blockade, the president of the Lazio Region Nicola Zingaretti interviewed by videoconference at Riparte Italia: “Would you like to rule out a new blockade?” No, no, I don’t rule out anything. If we don’t respect the rules, we’re going to end there. “

Coronavirus in schools

Worry about the cases of Coronavirus registered in schools in Lazio, two on Friday in Roma Norte and Guidonia Montecelio. City Council of the Città dell’Aria that depends on ASL Roma 5 which in a note explains: “Cases of positivity are taking place in schools. To face the situation in a coordinated and effective way, a system of close ties between schools and health services The ASL guidelines were illustrated and communicated to the school principals – also in a recent meeting between the Director General and all the principals of the institutions that insist on the territory – the ASL guidelines, online In particular, Rome 5 ASL General Manager Giorgio Giulio Santonocito comments in a note, these guidelines provide for timely notification and prompt intervention by ASL to proceed with contact tracing and class isolation until the end of the follow-up of contacts and not closure of the complexes ASL Roma 5 is already present in the territory with 2 mobile units capable of re smooth quick swabs that give results in a few minutes. The mobile units will increase to three next week and will increase even more in the coming weeks ”.

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Article updated at 4:19 pm on September 27
