Bolzano. Deactivation operations on the 500 pound bomb found in Piazza Verdi during the construction of the Waltherpark began with a good coffee offered to the bomb squad by a lady living in the red zone. A small superstitious ritual, since it is about the same lady who had brought breakfast to the alpine troops also on the occasion of the Bomb Day of October 20, 2019. Many readers have asked us where they can buy the newspaper. Kiosks in the red and yellow zones they will remain open until 9 in the morning to reopen as soon as the deactivation operations are completed. Outlets outside the red and yellow areas are open regularly, such as the Hyperpolis al Centrum in via Galvani, where breakfast is also offered until 11 am.
But let’s see in a few words the detailed program for the morning.
As a precaution, for safety reasons, all people living within 500 meters of the place where the bomb is located, should move away and clear the so-called RED ZONE inside 8.45 today, Sunday, September 27. There are a total of 4,082 people (906 house numbers). The ASL will deal with the evacuation of 2 quarantined people After 8.45 am, motorized vehicle, bicycle or foot traffic is prohibited. Last SASA bus (shuttle) that leaves the Red Zone at 9.05 in the morning from Piazza Stazione with subsequent stops in Piazza Walther, via C.di Risparmio and terminal in Palasport via Resia, used as reception for evacuees from the RED ZONE .
Bomba Day Bolzano, the first stages of the operation
The red zone was cleared and the 500 pound bomb disposal operations began at Piazza Verdi in Bolzano. DLife photo
All people who live outside the evacuation radius, but within 1,830 meters of the place where the bomb was found, that is, the so-called YELLOW ZONE, from 9.15 They will have to stay home during the deactivation operations until their completion. There are a total of 57,764 people (7,162 house numbers) It is also forbidden in the YELLOW ZONE motorized vehicle, bicycle or foot traffic.
During the deactivation of the bomb, in addition to the prohibition of circulation in the Red and Yellow zones, it was also orderedand the interruption of road traffic (SS 12) and the motorway between the Bolzano Sud and Bolzano Nord toll booths. Rail traffic was also interrupted (last train leaving Bolzano station, Frecciarossa 9721 for Milan at 8.45 am).
As of 9:00 am, the urban section of the highway between the BZ Nord toll booths (toll booth open to the north) and BZ Sud (toll booth open to the south) is closed. For those traveling on the A22, the recommended exits are Egna-Ora heading north and Chiusa-Val Gardena heading south.
State Highway 12 will be closed at the MILA plant for northern traffic and at via Pacinotti for southern traffic. It is strongly recommended not to travel during the time interval affected by bomb disposal operations. On the other hand, the connection (highway corridor) to and from Sarentino opens through the route via Vittorio Veneto-piazza Gries-via Fago.
The guests of the Villa Armonia nursing home (viale Trento) will be transferred partly to the Fair, partly to Maso Premstaller and to the San Maurizio hospital. Guests of the San Vincenzo house (via Cappuccini), partly at the Grieserhof, either by relatives or accompanied on a trip out of the city.
Bomb Day, evacuation of nursing homes in the red zone
Operators of the White Cross of Bolzano have been working since 6 this morning to transfer the elderly from the nursing homes located in the red zone. Photo Cruz Blanca Bolzano
On Sunday morning all municipal sports facilities will be closed to the public, with the exception of the riding school and the ENDAS c / o Castel Firmiano tennis courts. All municipal buildings that house libraries, museums and other cultural activities will also be closed. In the RED and YELLOW ZONES there will be no urban, suburban, long-distance buses, taxis, etc.
Tourists staying at the RED ZONE accommodation facilities must leave their rooms. The Tourist Office has organized a tour to discover the Dolomites for them too. For information and reservations: Tourist Board ([email protected] tel. 0471 307000).
For information by phone, the number 0471 997616 is available until 9:00 am.
Bomba Day, evacuees from the Red Zone received at Palasport
Great job for the Bolzano Red Cross volunteers who welcome evacuees from the red zone at the Palasport in via Resia. Photo: Fiorentino / Dlife
The toll-free number 800 751751 is also active.
Deactivation of the 500 pound bomb will be carried out by the 2nd Alpine Engineer Regiment of the Alpine Brigade “Julia”. After the removal of the two fuzes, the bomb will be transferred to a quarry in Varna, where it will be blown up.