Recovery Fund, Conte: “We cannot fail, our credibility is at stake”


The effectiveness of the “Italy model” against Covid – The Prime Minister points out that “even the most acute phase of the pandemic leaves us with a renewed confidence in man and his responsibility: it was the actions of our citizens that made the world speak of an Italian model that, with all prudence necessary, it is proving very effective ”.

“Putting the person at the center” – According to the premier, renewing the economic system is a “hope that a more authentic form of relations between the public and the private will be created, that puts the citizen and the human person at the center”. And he clarifies: “The entire government is called to make decisions that significantly affect the lives of citizens.” The work, quoting Giorgio La Pira, “cannot be reduced to a mere production opportunity and a mere source of income”, but is the “tool with which the citizen contributes to the moral and material progress of society”.

“From Pope Francis a new humanism, also economic” – “Pope Francis – continues the premier – has outlined a new humanism also on the economic front: the economy must recover a dimension that belongs to the person. As a government we must express a regenerated vision to act with maximum responsibility.”

Female empowerment – Conte then underlines that “the empowerment of women will be at the center of the G20 agenda”, scheduled for next year in Italy.
