“There is his signature on the cards” – Libero Quotidiano


Ask for transparency, Luigi di maio, and officially distances himself from the president of the INPS Pasquale Tridico and the pay increase decided last summer, amid the bonuses, citizenship and income disaster cash integration not paid by the social security institution. But according to the Republic, Di Maio would have been aware of the decision and how. Also, I would have backed it up when it was First deputy minister, Minister of Labor and leader of the 5 star movement.

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Politically, it is well known that Di Maio was Tridico’s biggest sponsor: he had designated him as a possible Minister of Labor in an all-Grilled government, before the 2018 elections, and once the alliance with the League He imposed it at the head of the INPS. As reported by Repubblica, which dropped the bomb on Tridico on Saturday, “today’s salaries for Inps senior management, but also Inail, are the result of a Lega Pact-M5S signed with the other deputy prime minister Matteo salvini and endorsed by Prime Minister Conte. “The salary increase in fact would have been set by the” Law that establishes the Citizen Income and Quota 100, 26 of 2019 “, which” provides that wages are set by decree of the Minister of Labor ” In a note “from Di Maio’s then chief of staff, Vito Cozzoli – now president of Sports and Health, spa of the Ministry of Economy – dated June 12, 2019”, we already talked about figures: 150 thousand euros to the president, 100 thousand euro to the vice president and 23 thousand euros the three directors of the two boards of directors yet to be named “.” The note was addressed to the General Directorate of Social Security Policies of the same Ministry of Labor and for information to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance Giovanni tria and the State Accountant Biagio mazzotta Points out Republic – and a ‘definitive assessment of the congruence of the amounts’ was requested in order to ‘prepare the decree of the Ministry of Labor’ that should ratify the figures. ”That provision obviously could not foresee that the increase would come amid the chaos of the coronavirus, with Italy on its knees, and this is precisely the reason for the criticisms of Salvini and the opposition.The shame of Conte and Di Maio, who fall from the clouds, has no justification.
