Up to 700 deaths from coronavirus a day in Italy before 2021, 15 thousand infections a day in November and more than 40 thousand in December. This is the scenario posed by a study from the Worldometer website and reported by Fatto Quotidiano. Only greater attention from everyone would cut infections in half and limit deaths. The site, as the virologist Crisanti explains, designs three scenarios based on individual behaviors. There is the purple line that is the projection of the epidemic based on the status quo, the green that assumes greater rigor from the citizens in masks, distancing and hygiene, and a red that predicts the situation if all precautions were relaxed.
Covid, the image in Europe: Italy in fourth place for infections. France, 14 thousand cases
Covid Italia, today’s newsletter September 26: 1869 new infections, 17 deaths. At the head of Campania, Lombardy and Lazio
Covid, in Great Britain another 6,042 infections. “In a month we will have a hundred deaths a day”
The CTS yesterday rejected the reopening of sporting events to the public according to the guidelines approved by the Conference of Regions that intended to bring the capacity of stadiums and facilities to 25% of the total. A decision, that of the experts, in line with what the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza has reiterated in recent days – “we must focus on what is essential, the priority is the schools and not the stadiums” – and, above all, consistent with the trend of the curve. The epidemic returned to values that had not been registered since the beginning of May, when, however, the country was still closed and the spread of the virus was not yet as widespread in all regions. So much so that the government is moving towards extending the state of emergency although Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte reiterates: “I rule out a new blockade, if clusters develop we will intervene in a limited way.
Last updated: 13:41