Fiorentina-Turin 1-0, Turin-Atalanta 2-4 and elimination of last season in the playoffs in the preliminary phase of the Europa League, elimination in the quarterfinals of the Italian Cup (Torino had started it in the second round of final) and in the league 20 losses, 7 draws and 11 wins and salvation came two days from the end. All this is the result of the elections of market that in the first instance are attributable to the president Cairo and then, secondly, to the sports director and the coach on duty.
Cause and effect relationships are there for all to see. We were under the illusion that after a bad season, Cairo was going to set an example and change its strategy with respect to the market and instead it did not. He changed sports director taking Weather in Vagnati coming from Spal and coach Giampaolo fresh out of exoneration in Milan and then limited himself to outlining changes in the team’s roster with the arrivals of Rodríguez, Linetty, Vojvoda and Murru no longer renewing De Silvestri’s contract and selling Ola Aina and some other young players, but still aware that the coach has a very precise game, the 4-3-1-2, nine days (including today) from the closing of the market, did not buy him a midfielder, a full-time attacking midfielder, a valid forward to support Belotti , a defensive central and another midfielder. There are several other players that should be sold, but so far this has not been done as well because the economic demands are proportionally high.
It is not surprising, therefore, that the first two league games have gone badly and that the anger of most of the amateurs against Cairo it has risen to the stars. The banner unfolded yesterday, shortly before the start of the game against Fiorentina, outside Philadelphia and signed by the Maratona is eloquent: “Tired of your talk you have to go … (continues with a part that cannot be published because it contains insults ) “. The fear is that if the players serving the team don’t show up in the remaining days of the transfer market, the team will face another championship of suffering. At this point they must intervene with President Vagnati and Giampaolo and they must do so with great firmness and if necessary also publicly instead of following in line with the owner’s directive, otherwise they too will end up in the meat grinder as joint controllers. Yesterday Giampaolo at the place of the match mentioned that he would have spoken about the market in private, but it seems too soft a line. Even the players, especially the most representative then captain Belotti me Sirigu Above all, even if it is not their competence, they must make Cairo, Vagnati and Giampaolo understand that there are gaps in the squad that absolutely must be filled as long as they are not satisfied with remaining in a mediocre team.
Time passes inexorably and the field has already made it clear that the course must be reversed without waiting for Giampaolo, who teaches soccer, to get something more out of the players he has available and that other teams end up being even more lacking than Turin because in doing so the risk of fighting for salvation is high and the end result is not certain.
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