
Hydrogen peroxide could be a valid ally in prophylaxis against the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus: used to disinfect the mucous membranes of the oropharynx and nose, with regular rinses (do not swallow), it can attack the virus while it is still in the mucus of the epithelial cells, that is, before it reaches the trachea. This is what a study carried out by a group of Neapolitan researchers and published in the April issue of the international journal Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology of Cambridge University states. Studies carried out on the coronavirus show that it “stays” in the snout that covers the epithelial cells before reaching the tracheal mucosa and then progresses towards them and replicates. In this phase the Sars-Cov-2 is weaker and it can be attacked before it reaches the tracheal mucosa, a passage that, studies in macaques have shown, occurs approximately two days after infection.
Hydrogen peroxide rinses against coronavirus
“Hydrogen peroxide, the common hydrogen peroxide, explains Antonio Del Prete, Professor of Ophthalmology at the Federico II University of Naples, as an antiseptic for the oral cavity, by regular rinsing of the oral mucosa (3 percent concentration) at least three times a day, and 1.5 percent by nebulization of the nasal cavities, and finally the use of povidone iodine 0.6 percent instilled as eye drops 2 times a day, it can be particularly effective in preventing the infection generated by what is known as coronavirus ”.
“The efficacy of hydrogen peroxide – continues Del Prete – is due not only to its well-documented oxidative and mechanical elimination properties, but also to the induction of the innate antiviral immune response by the overexpression of TLR3 (Toll Like 3) thus reducing in general the progression of the infection from the upper to the lower respiratory tract. The effective action of this treatment can be verified through clinical trials in a large number of subjects by means of a significant negativization of swabs in positive patients for Covid-19 without and with mild / moderate symptoms, immediately after the full diagnosis of Covid-19 infection and the consequent reduction in the number of requests for hospitalization. “
I study (here the link) was written, in addition to Del Prete, by Arturo Armone Caruso, health director of Aias de Afragola and head of the Orl Nasal Cytology and Diagnosis Unit; Antonio Ivan Lazzarino, researcher at the London “Agency for Clinical Research and Medical Statistics”; Lucia Grumetto, professor of the department of Pharmacy of Federico II and Roberto Capaldi, doctor. Obviously, it is not a definitive remedy, but an anti-contagion measure that could be combined with those already in use, such as frequent hand sanitation and protective masks. One more possibility, therefore, to fight the virus while waiting for an effective vaccine to be ready.

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