Turin: the disabled man who killed his wife had announced the suicide murder on Facebook


Murderers who write their intentions on Facebook, their “reasons” for a crime that involves their loved ones, their children, their companions. Antonino La Targia, 46, yesterday in Venaria, as Claudio Baima Poma, 47, in Rivara last Sunday. They left their signature on social media with a message posted a few hours before the murder. “I felt like I was living in a movie, now that the movie is over,” wrote Antonino “Tony” La Targia yesterday afternoon, about four hours before killing his wife María Masi with 6 shots from a 21 caliber pistol. that had been stolen from him. you get who knows where. He killed her in the cabin of her car parked under her ex-husband’s house on via Druento 150, in Venaria. He discharged almost the entire magazine, three shots did not land, he had taken two although to kill himself, immediately after the murder in his apartment he only needed a bullet to the temple.

Turin: the disabled man who killed his wife had announced the suicide murder on Facebook

That last message, read four hours later, when the crime is over, takes on a much clearer meaning. The man does not speak clearly as did the father of Andrea, the boy from Rivara who was killed last Sunday. Claudio Baima Poma’s had been a letter of accusation towards his ex-partner, the mother of his son who, he wrote, had abandoned him. One last message full of desire for revenge and despair. “I’m tired of this life – wrote Baima Poma – Now Iris, you can live the lonely life you’ve always wanted, I wish you live 100 years,” he wished the woman whose son he killed. He announced the murder in that letter: “Andrea and I are going on a trip.” A woman had read that letter and had raised the alarm by calling the carabinieri.

Turin: the disabled man who killed his wife had announced the suicide murder on Facebook

The building where the man shot himself

La Targia is less direct, his words – if they sound some alarms in those who know him well – do not clearly foreshadow what he had in mind yesterday when he asked his ex-wife for a meeting at the house, perhaps for a while. last clarification. His social profile speaks of him, of his life after a motorcycle accident that forced him to sit in a wheelchair and a continuous rehabilitation of the CTO spinal unit. “You have no idea how difficult it was to accept and still is, nothing seemed right,” he wrote in June. “Sometimes I think the world has never loved people like me,” he sings in a tiktok, borrowing the words from a Nuclear Tactical Penguins song.
