when it all started, a great case for Pope Francis – Libero Quotidiano


The resignation of the cardinal Angelo Becciu as the alleged embezzlement charges represent only the latest of the various scandals that, over the years, have devastated Vatican. But when did the poisons, the threats, the sexual blackmail within the Holy See begin? According to a reconstruction of Day, at the origin there is the IOR reform, the Vatican bank, by Pope Benedict XVI, the predecessor of Bergoglio. Since then there have been scandals, leaks, sudden arrests, mock trials. The newspaper tries to make a hypothesis: if, as many suspect, the IOR has been used for decades to clean dirty money from Criminal organizations, the latter will hardly accept that someone put their hand doing reforms and cleaning. At this point it can be assumed that threats are made about the disclosure of such clandestine activity from the Vatican bank to the faithful around the world.

This would explain the failure of any attempt at economic reform in the Vatican. And indeed, as soon as you try to intervene, useful insights come out for internal faction struggles. check it out Guilty what to do outside. And to do this, again according to what Day, we have the media, which participate in spreading the news. From here they start media processes, unreal. The newspaper reports the example of the building bought in London from the Vatican. In that case, scandal broke out and a scapegoat was found, the Giani gendarmes commander, forced to resign, not for a trial, but for one news leak.
