The “ganzo” Renzi and Conte muto. And then those kings of mistakes


There is no doubt, that just happened is the week of the winners! From Zingaretti to Salvini everyone celebrated, rejoiced at the electoral result. Even Matteo Renzi, the goose of Florence. Yes, the man of the small percentages. The captain walked for days with the list of seats won showing them to everyone, including passersby. “We won, we won. From north to south. “He repeated like a mantra. A riot according to him, but a pity that they want to commission it. Even if he denies it. Giuseppi,” in the meantime “, wasted no time and puffed out his chest before the cameras thirsty for statements : “I do not feel at the crossroads and, above all, I do not feel in the balance.” He said. But now, thanks to the results, or rather, the sonorous defeat avoided, Zingaretti dictates the line and pulls Conte The first thing to do besides make everyone sing Bella Ciao? Cancel the security decrees and abolish the 100 quota. But how? He didn’t want them too? On the other hand, it was the first Minister, or am I wrong?


“Meanwhile” the premier is the influencer without his knowledge and ends up in the storm for a video posted on the social networks of Talarico’s ties. Giuseppi is portrayed with a tie and says: “This does not move for anything in the world.” A commercial for some that annoys government allies. The news comes from the ranks of Italia Viva and passes from word of mouth. Giuseppi defines himself as “any influencer”. For it is clear that the gallops of Italia Viva have forgotten the dark days of Matteo Renzi at Palazzo Chigi. More than a premier, he looked like a salesman. Smoke And not ice cream.


“One of us, Giuseppi one of us …” the ultras sang in the stadium. If it was full. The people’s lawyer shows up at IKEA to buy his son’s room. The employees do not skimp on one of their acid jokes: “Do not say that the bedroom is for the son of the prime minister, if the employees are from Lega Nord they will give it to me late.”


In the 5 stars the knives fly after the blow to the regional ones and there are those who ask for a renewal. Who, however, the split. One fact is certain: the Movement has exploded. Annihilated. Finished. Dead. And while his people kill Grillo, the tall man thinks about putting a pumice stone up for sale. He publishes a video on social networks and says: “Pumice stone, signed by Elevato. It is used to clean, to scratch, to crush the brain of human stupidity. For sale on e-Bay for a thousand euros a piece, no I can do less. “Who is he referring to? And, after posting the video, write on twitter:

Waiting for your comments, I will begin:

“Scratch your ass!”

“Clear your conscience!”

“What you have in your hand is the brains of your MPs ?!”

The comments couldn’t be better.


The president of INPS increases his salary. Worse than that.

P.S* 33,000 applications for severance pay remain to be paid. So just to remind you.


But the goose of Florence had not said: “In the regional Italia Viva it will go out to double digits”. How? More than alive the little party seems dead.


The Senator from the Democratic Party is distracted. So determined to be photographed at the voting table that, instead of the ballot, he puts the certificate in the ballot box. Don’t worry, not the doctor.


The grillino commits another spelling horror. After “the hug of the Libyans” instead of Lebanese, he writes on twitter: Extpool instead of EXIT POLL. What will it be for the undersecretary of Foreign Relations?


Are you the real winner of this election? Well, his party was the only one that grew. Could it be because of the Acquaroli water? The new president of the Brands who, after 25 years has evicted the left, has bottled and distributed thousands of bottles of water with his brand: “Bevi Acquaroli”. Is it an exchange vote?
