
She is not even a candidate Giulia Bongiorno, but he is already ahead in the race for the presidency of mayor of rome. A Antonio Noto survey spread from Daily occurrence points to the former Minister of Public Administration of the first Conte government as a favorite on Capitol Hill, just in case Matteo salvini and the League decide to implement it, with the 37% preferences.

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Behind her, the outgoing mayor Virginia Raggi (what a mean 5 star movement I would like to torpedo instead) with the 33%, While Fabio Rampelli of Brothers from Italy pick up the 27% of satisfaction. Uncertainty for the names that P.S, gives Monica Cirinnà (27%) a Roberto Morassut (26%) e Michela Di Biase (22%). Not surprisingly, the secretary’s dream Nicola Zingaretti is to convince the current president of the European Parliament David sassoli return home and “sacrifice” for the capital.