Conte: “The 100 quota will not be renewed. We need a pension reform” – Politics


Trento, September 26, 2020 – “The renovation of fee 100 “said the premier Giuseppe Conte at the Trento Economy Festival. “Quota 100 is a three-year reform project that came to compensate for a social hardship,” explains the head of government.

Pension reform

Conte, on the other hand, believes that it is time to think to the pension reform: “We have to go around a table: for example, make a strenuous job list It seems to me the best perspective. A university professor would like to work at seventy, while in so many strenuous jobs we cannot expect such a long working life. We must have the courage to differentiate ourselves ”.

Basic income

There are many issues addressed by the Prime Minister in Trento, such as Basic income: “Luckily we had a social protection measure such as the citizens’ income to which we added the emergency income. – says Conte – Of course always improve in execution phase. In two years, taking such a complex measure to a social fabric that presents structural criticalities is not easy. “The premier knows that it cannot be enough:” insertion into the world of work linked to the income of citizenship, it still sees us behind. I have already had two meetings with the competent ministers: we must complete this other pole and we must also reorganize a kind of network to offer a process of training and retraining to workers. We must try to build a coordinated path. I hope that in the first months of 2021 we can present the other project, the one that crosses the implementation of the income of citizenship with inclusion in the world of work ”.

Recovery Fund

Then defend the battle for the Recovery Fund, not a simple front operation: “Sometimes it seems to me to live a dissociated situation in which our work is appreciated in the international situation and in Italy we have questions ‘when does the government fall?’ We need to be a little more respectful and love ourselves as Italians. They are not beauty pageants. I am not aware that there are countries ahead of us with the Recovery Fund. It is the EU that asked us for guidelines and not projects. I do not agree with the work of the Colao commission, eight days of confrontation with 122 social agents, organizations and productive parties that is a facade: for me, the confrontation is fundamental ”. Conte thus responded to Tito Boeri’s objections.

Then he explains: “The Recovery plan will certainly not consist of the six hundred projects published and whose dissemination we have already informed the Prosecutor’s Office. We cannot allow fragmented projects: we will add individual projects that will be in a much smaller number and will give a vision of the country, in according to EU guidelines “. European funds should not be wasted: “Everything will change: we will have a regulatory structure dedicated to the Recovery plan, which will allow us to identify ad hoc issues and a path that will allow us to monitor implementation. Wait and judge.”

Blocked lock

The prime minister also spoke of resumption of infections, and the answer that is evaluated: “I exclude in public a new national blockade, because we are in a different situation than at the beginning of the year ”, he adds:“ If clusters develop, we will be able to intervene in a limited way, because we have a very sophisticated system to cross data. To the citizens I say: let us resume social life with caution but with confidence. If they stop respecting the minimum rules it is clear that the numbers could go up but if we continue as we do now I have a lot of confidence ”.

School, Azzolina has done a lot

The prime minister also defends school work: “Everything can be attributed to Minister Azzolina less than disengagement or low commitment. “Conte continues:” School is a serious problem: we are taking it seriously. We have invested 7 billion. The rankings are managed in a transparent way, digitization has highlighted some mistakes “but in the school and the rankings” we have done a lot.


Conte has his own opinion on GDP: “Standard & Poor has made estimates of the fall in GDP more optimistic than we currently have: they give 8.9%. Istat gives us a confidence index that is increasing. We have very positive, but Italy can never have a very significant rebound if the other European countries get into trouble. You don’t grow up alone “, explains him at the Trento Economy Festival.
