Six seasons, 12 Emmys and 3 Golden Globes. Downton Abbey celebrate a decade of splendor Edwardians. Created by Julian Fellowes (Oscar for Best Original Screenplay by Gosford Park), the series that focuses on the intrigues of the aristocratic Crawley family aired from 2010 to 2015 on the UK ITV network. Set between 1912 and 1926, during the reign of King George V, the show takes place on the fictional estate of Downton Abbey in Yorkshire.
With 120 million viewers in 200 countries around the world, Downton Abbey was the most successful British drama series since Return to Brideshead. Blowing supremacy to the very American Crazy men, Downton Abbey entered the Guinness World Record as the most critically acclaimed show of 2011, making it the first UK series to win such an accolade.
Welcome to Highclere Castle, the true Downton Abbey
In Italy, where it bounced between Rete 4 and La5, the television series was very popular without touching the peaks of success achieved at home and abroad. In 2019, it came out Downton Abbey – The Movie. Sequel to the series set 18 months after the television finale – a must see for Crawley fans. Today we want to celebrate 10 years of one of the most acclaimed series ever with 10 tantalizing stories (in gallery above). Gives Downton Abbey which is actually Highclere Castle on a million dollar per episode budget right down to the smelly period outfit.
“Downton Abbey”: the film surpasses (also) Brad Pitt