There are 274 new Covid-19 infections registered yesterday in Campania, a new record both because it is the highest number in Italy and because it is the highest value reached in 24 hours since the beginning of the epidemic (the maximum number in March and April had been 225). As of September 26, therefore, there is a greater number of new positives for the month compared to the count of February, March and April together, so much so that in the months of August and September, 56 percent of those infected have been reached since the start of the epidemic.
A not very reassuring panorama, however, mitigated by the fact that of these new cases of infection the preponderant part, around 90%, is asymptomatic and therefore does not compromise the Regional Health Service on the hospital side but on the territorial side of ASL is in charge of tracking contacts and little by little they are struggling to get rid of the huge audience of positives and trace their contacts). On the other hand, the preponderance in the population of people without signs of infection spreads the virus better and for longer with greater risks for frail subjects. In summary, the small number of symptoms that arrive at the hospital, progressively accumulating, can put stress even in clinical centers that, as expected, have gone to the maximum alert phase activating all the available and programmed places.
In Campania there is always a very high average of positives for every thousand swabs (yesterday 44.8 more than two and a half times the national average) compared to 34.9 the day before. There have not been such high percentages of positives since mid-April. In addition, there are two other intensive care patient entries (out of three throughout Italy) even if ordinary hospitalizations drop by 47 units compared to 50 recovered and one new death. The infectivity index Rt (calculated on the new cases from which cures and deaths must be subtracted) is permanently above 1 (therefore exponential) and yesterday it reached the highest value since the rebound at the end of August.
“In the last 3 weeks there has not only been an increase in asymptomatic positives in Campania (but also in Italy), but also an increase in the use of hospitalization – underlines Antonio Salvatore Head of the Department of Health of Anci – Campania, in the same period, has rates much higher than the national average although there is a correlation with the intensification of the tests (increased by 41%) and the total number of tampons (including scarring ) increased by 28% “. What is most striking, therefore, is the growth of ordinary hospitalizations (+ 95%) and intensive care (+ 440%). Of the current positives, 92% are in Most of them asymptomatic, 7% are in ordinary hospitalization and the remaining 1% in intensive care.In the last three weeks, therefore, Campania is rapidly reaching the national average values consolidated with the first wave.
The growth of the epidemic curve and hospitalizations could increase even more in the coming days due to the reopening of schools, greater mobility and the beginning of the fall season with the overlap of the flu epidemic. Therefore, it will be necessary to prepare both by reinforcing, immediately, the local health services and hospitals and by strictly respecting the prevention measures adopted by the national and regional authorities. “In the last two weeks there has been a significant increase in the mean age at diagnosis,” he warns. Alessandro perrella, Cardarelli’s infectious diseases specialist, member of the Crisis Unit, probably due to a transmission from the younger population to the most frail or elderly, especially within the family. Therefore, it is recommended to take all appropriate precautions even in the family (individual hygiene, use of masks and physical distancing). The number of new cases of infection is still generally lower than in other European countries, but with an increase of seven consecutive weeks. Compliance with preventive and quarantine measures is essential, together with the strengthening of local services for case investigation and contact management, including the quarantine of close contacts and the immediate isolation of secondary cases.