Sicilia bonus, 10,000 requests in four days for 128 million: “Serious and transparent measure”


In four days, 10,000 pre-completed applications (for about 128 million euros) to access the Sicilia Voucher: the support measure for companies that the Region provides.

This was announced by Mimmo Turano, regional councilor for Productive Activities, who states: “The figures that the computer platform provides us every day give us the high valuation index of this measure: in four days ten thousand pre-loaded requests for about 128 million euros The Sicilia Bond is a measure that we have conceived with President Musumeci to specifically support micro-businesses damaged by the closure and not as a very small contribution to be distributed without any criteria ”.

Regarding the Ateco codes, unless an inaccuracy is corrected immediately, the Region has not made any discretionary decision but based exclusively on decrees of the Prime Minister and Ordinances of the President of the Region that in recent months have determined which activities should close . for the health emergency. We understand everyone’s difficulties, but in view of the economic endowment, which I remember is only 125 million, and the needs of the productive system, we have decided to use an objective criterion to avoid any accusation of favoritism towards this or that. category”.

Turano then focuses on the click days system, contested in particular by the opposition: “I am not a fan of this system but it is what the law tells us to pay companies according to the order of presentation and the required requirements. To the exponents of the Opposition that tears their clothes on the day of the click, I clearly say that in order to be quick and impartial in payments, the law does not offer us another system than this unless someone thinks of trusting the draw or a lottery ” .

The artisan, commercial, industrial, service and hotel companies that adhere to the criteria of the call have until October 4 to prepare and upload the application on the platform with a view to the delivery scheduled for the October 5th.

“The Sicilia Bond – declares the chairman of the sixth committee of the council Ottavio Zacco – runs the risk of humiliating Sicilian merchants, favoring solid businesses and excluding small merchants in difficulty. I believe that the council’s production activities commission should take up the matter and I propose a Dramatic situations emerged from the hearings involving entire business categories in great distress, entire sectors that are in real and urgent need of help due to the huge losses suffered in recent months. Election adopted by the regional department of Productive Activities to establish a click day to access the tender, a procedure that I consider unfair and mortifying towards companies that are experiencing an economic and social drama, but even more serious is the perverse decision to include in the tender, under penalty of exclusion, the possibility of being able to participate in the and only companies that are in compliance with the tax obligations against the INPS, all this at a time of economic suffering that is causing commercial desertification, where it is clear to everyone that most companies have not had the opportunity to fully comply with the fiscal obligations of the last months.

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“In light of the ridiculous allocation of only 125 million euros for the whole of Sicily, of which only 31 million go to the province of Palermo, – concludes Zacco – nothing justifies the unfortunate decisions taken by the regional administration. I appeal to politics. Regional government to stop in time this call that was born with the intention of helping small companies and that has created great expectations, but with the limitations inserted, it is only fueling the disappointment and despair of many small and medium-sized entrepreneurs who they are the true beating heart of the economy of our region. “
