“We must have the courage to differentiate ourselves” – “A university professor would like to work at the age of seventy, while in so many arduous jobs we cannot expect such a long working life. We must have the courage to differentiate ourselves,” declared the Prime Minister.
“Income from citizenship can be improved, project in 2021” – “Luckily we had a social protection measure such as the citizens’ income, to which we added the emergency income,” Conte continued. Of course, they can always be improved in the implementation phase. In two years, it is not easy to bring such a complex measure to a social fabric that presents structural criticalities. The project of insertion in the world of work linked to citizen income still sees us behind. I have already had two meetings with the competent ministers: we must complete this other pole and we must also reorganize a kind of network to offer a process of training and retraining to workers. We must try to build a coordinated path. I hope that in the first months of 2021 we will be able to present the other project, the one that goes through the implementation of income ”.
“With conditions without cash to pay less taxes” – Continuing on the economic issue, Conte highlighted the importance of “increasing all digital operations, also because if we don’t touch the money there is less chance of contagion. We already have electronic invoicing: electronic receipts begin on January 1. , for all companies and businesses, even with a turnover of less than 400 thousand euros. As of December 1, we will go to incentives with cashback so that there is a change in the habits of Italians and thus also counteract the undeclared, creating the conditions to pay less taxes. “
“For the Recovery Fund, everything will change” – The Recovery Fund “will certainly not be made up of the six hundred projects published and whose dissemination we have already informed the Prosecutor’s Office,” said the premier. “We cannot allow fragmented projects: we will add individual projects that will be much smaller in number and will provide a vision of the country, in line with EU guidelines. In order not to waste European funds” everything will change: we will have a regulatory structure dedicated to the Plan of Recovery, which will allow us to identify ad hoc issues and a path that will allow us to monitor implementation. Wait to judge. “
Salvini: “Stop Quota 100? The League will not allow it” – The response of the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, was immediate, commenting on Conte’s statements about Quota 100. “Do you want to return to the Fornero Law? The League will not allow it, I promise. Do not mess with the sacrifices of millions of Italian workers “.