that’s where the outdoors are mandatory


The front of mayors and governors willing to present the obligation of the masks even outdoors. After the cases of Calabria and Campania, where the new squeeze is already in force, a similar ordinance could also reach Sicily and Lazio.

Mandatory mask also in Sicily, the proposal on the governor’s table

On the table of the President of the Sicilian Region, Nello musumeci, there is already a new ordinance with more restrictive measures. The provision, reports PalermoToday, could be signed between today and tomorrow, and then enter into force as of Monday.

The reintroduction of the obligation of masks almost certainly even in public places in the open air. Governor Musumeci and Health Councilor Razza are also verifying, in consultation with the Region’s technical-scientific committee, the viability of other anti-harvesting rules in places of higher risk, such as those where nightlife abounds. With a bet explicitly requested from the experts: “Avoid penalizing economic activities.”

Outdoor masks also in Lazio?

Mom the obligation to wear masks outdoors could also be introduced in Lazio where infections continue to increase. “If the Rt index reaches 1 – said Councilor D’Amato -, we will have to introduce the obligation to wear the mask 24 hours outdoors everywhere.” In Lazio, the value of the contagion index is currently at 0.85: if it increases further, the restrictions will apply.

Obligation to wear a mask in Calabria and Campania

The obligation to wear a mask outdoors is already a reality in two large Southern Regions. Calabria In fact, the president of the Region Jole Santelli has signed in the past a new ordinance that “for the prevention and management of the Covid-19 emergency” that establishes the obligation to use the mask also outdoors for all citizens, excluding children under six years of age and people with disabilities not compatible with the use of the protective device. The ordinance is valid until October 7.

However, the first region to introduce the obligation was the Campania. The ordinance signed two days ago by De Luca – and in force until October 4 – establishes the obligation to wear protective equipment even outdoors and throughout the day “regardless of interpersonal distance, subject to the provisions of sector protocols current specific (for example, restaurants, bars, outdoor sports) “.

The obligation for children under six years of age, for those with pathologies incompatible with the use of the mask and during the individual exercise of motor or sports activity is excluded.

Tight masks also in Genoa and Foggia

Some mayors also move in the same line. The first citizen of Genoa Marco Bucci, After the increase in registered cases in the city, two days ago he announced the obligation to wear a mask even outdoors in the city center. Sanctions are foreseen until the closure of the premises of the historic center that do not comply with the obligation.

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A similar ordinance Has been signed by the Mayor of Foggia Franco Landella. As of September 25, it is mandatory to correctly wear personal protective equipment outdoors in pedestrian areas with the greatest aggregate vocation of the historic city center, most affected by the presence of public establishments and commercial activities and by a constant concentration and conspicuous of people. Areas of particular interest are: corso Vittorio Emanuele, via Lanza, via Duomo, via Dante, via Oberan, via Arpi, largo degli Scopari, piazza Duomo, piazza De Sanctis, piazza Mercato, piazza Cesare Battisti.
