How widespread is the coronavirus in Italian schools?


They are more than 400 the schools already affected by at least one case of coronavirus me 75 have been temporarily closed. This is what emerges from database developed by a young researcher and a university student – Vittorio Nicoletta me Lorenzo ruffino – who have collected news and orders from the mayors since the school reopened.

From the data, analyzed by Sole 24 Ore, it appears that the 417 schools involved are mainly in Lombardy (84), followed by Emilia Romagna (60), Toscana (50), Lazio (38), Piedmont (29) and Veneto (24). Positive cases are students in 76% of cases, 13% teachers, while the rest is other staff.

There are also cases in our province: these are the ones that emerged Brescia, Acquafredda, Darfo Boario Terme, Desenzano, Gussago, Idro, Manerbio, Offlaga, Orzinuovi me Rovato.

Nicoletta and Ruffino’s database was merged into an online map in continuous update, but it should be noted that a similar tool is not available at the national level to monitor the progress of the coronavirus in the thirty thousand Italian school complexes, divided into eight thousand institutions.

Meanwhile, some schools are beginning to test quick swabs to students and teachers, as happened today in Anguillara, a municipality on the outskirts of Rome, and as will soon happen in other institutes in Lazio. These are antigenic tests that give an answer in 15 minutes. “The testing experience at Vian High School in Anguillara was good – said Lazio’s health advisor, Alessio D’Amato -. Everything went well. Soon we will do continuous testing in all schools. The priority is to ensure safety in the schools. schools and not reopen stadiums at risk of crowds.

The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, also announced in recent days in the Chamber that rapid tests for the detection of positives to the virus will be coming to schools soon, after the “encouraging” results obtained at the airports.