The salary of the president of the INPS, Pasquale Tridico, received a substantial salary increase (retroactively). All this with a regular inter-ministerial decree that the Minister of Labor, Nunzia Catalfo, signed on August 7 together with the colleague from the Treasury Roberto Gualtieri. As revealed by the newspaper The Republic, Tridico’s compensation almost doubled from 62 thousand to 150 thousand euros per year.
The decree
In the decree, the same salary of 150 thousand euros per year that is also attributed to the president of Inail, instead 40 thousand euros per year are assigned to the vice presidents of the two institutes, 60 thousand if they have delegations. The directors of INPS and Inail, on the other hand, have a remuneration of 23 thousand euros each. The increase has retroactive effect, as of the date of appointment of the President, Vice President and the directors of INPS and INAIL.
50% more than predecessor Boeri
When he was appointed in May 2019Pasquale Tridico received 62 thousand euros per year. At the beginning of his mandate he had a brief coexistence with the area vice president of the League Adriano Morrone. With the decree of August, Tridico’s compensation increased by 50% compared to its predecessor Tito Boeri, it stopped at 103 thousand.
The request for clarification
On September 10, in a report cited by Republic, the Board of Accounts Auditors of the INPS requested clarification on the increases, recalling Law 75 of 1999 that establishes that directors are remunerated from the moment they take office and not from their appointment.
September 26, 2020 (change September 26, 2020 | 10:32 am)