If the state of emergency were necessary at the end of July, the “weakest” moment of the epidemic, it will hardly be possible to miss the deadline of mid-October. It remains to be seen whether they will opt for a mini-extension of a few weeks. Or for a longer one until December 31
by Marzio Bartoloni and Andrea Gagliardi
If the state of emergency was necessary at the end of July, the “weakest” moment of the epidemic, it can hardly be the deadline of mid-October. It remains to be seen whether they will opt for a mini-extension of a few weeks. Or for a longer one until December 31
3 ‘reading
The extension of the state of emergency beyond October 15 is not just a hypothesis. The final decision will be made near the deadline, depending on the evolution of the pandemic. In particular, the executive intends to evaluate the numbers of infections generated by the school effect at the beginning of October, a few weeks after the reopening. But for the moment the extension is practically taken for granted. Furthermore, if the state of emergency was necessary in July, the “weakest” moment of the epidemic, it will hardly be in mid-October. The numbers speak for themselves. On July 29, when the 2 and a half month extension was adopted, there were 386 infections a day, today there are 1,800 a day. And the increase in the number of beds occupied in the rooms of Covid and in intensive care is concerned. It remains to be seen whether they will opt for a mini-extension of a few weeks. Or for a longer one until December 31st. “We will make an assessment in a few weeks,” said the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, “we are prepared for any eventuality”, without excluding the possibility of mini-confinement “at the subprovincial level” excluding “for the moment” more extensive interventions.
Growing infections
“For eight consecutive weeks, the figures have confirmed the constant growth of the epidemic curve and hospitalizations,” says the Gimbe Foundation with its president Nino Cartabellotta. From the end of July to today, people currently positive for Covid-19 have almost quadrupled, from 12,482 in the week of July 15-21 to 45,489 in the week of September 16-22. The epidemic is “slowly and progressively worsening”, is the warning issued by the Higher Institute of Health that emphasizes that only in fifteen days we will be able to begin to evaluate the “impact” of the reopening of schools on the multiplication of infections. In addition, given the gradual but constant growth of infections, the obligation to wear a mask even outdoors is advancing at the same rate in the most affected Municipalities and Regions.
The effects on smart work
Therefore, it is likely that next week a new decree on the emergence of Covid will arrive at the CDM table, with a new dpcm. And turn to smart work, tampons for those coming from abroad, masks and distancing. In particular, on the smart work front, general attention is paid to the current October 15 deadline. With the end of the state of emergency, the simplified procedure that allows employers to decide unilaterally on the use of agile work ends. A procedure that would instead be extended with the extension of the state of emergency. For now, as of October 16, the procedure of Law 81 of 2017 will be restored, which provides for an individual agreement with the individual worker as a condition for resorting to smart work. All this except for legislative changes, since the Minister of Labor, Nunzia Catalfo has announced that she intends to modify the law that establishes agile work.
The hypotheses under study
The minister – as anticipated in an interview with this newspaper (see “Il Sole 24 ore” of August 18) – intends to strengthen the role of collective bargaining. In the first technical discussions, faced with the confrontation with the social partners, the idea arose of questioning the exclusive mechanism of the individual agreement drawn up between the company and the individual worker, opening up to collective bargaining, with a more marked role. , therefore, that they could be entrusted precisely to national or corporate contracts. Among the hypotheses being studied is also that of setting percentage quotas for smart work at the national contract level, in line with what has been done, with specific directives, by the Minister of the AP, Fabiana Dadone, pointing out the objective of having 50% of personnel involved in remote work (previous preparation by each administration of the Agile Work Organizational Plan, the so-called Pola).
Tampons for those who come from abroad
In addition, the extension of the state of emergency would also allow, among other things, to extend the rules that currently impose the obligation of a swab for those entering Italy from Croatia, Greece, Malta, Spain and France (limited to the Regions of Auvergne- Rhone -Alps, Corsica, Hauts-de-France, Île-de-France, New Aquitaine, Occitania, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur).