
On Friday, the Ministry of Health published a new circular in which all students, teachers and school workers who have had a suspicion of infection with SARS-CoV-2 are cleaned with swabs before they can return to school.
In case of suspicious symptoms, the pediatrician or family doctor will promptly request the diagnostic test of the student or teacher, communicating it to the Department of Prevention or the department in charge based on the regional organization. The new document clarifies that a “suspicious” case is considered when fever over 37.5 degrees or symptoms attributable to the disease caused by the coronavirus arise in the classroom or at home, and that school workers and students will have priority in carrying out the swab.
If the test is positive, according to the new guidelines, “the case is notified to the Department of Prevention, which begins the search for contacts and indicates the extraordinary actions to clean up the school structure in its interested party”, as required by the circulars already in force. .
If the test is negative, the patient with suspected symptoms will still need to follow the doctor’s instructions, who will evaluate the most appropriate clinical / diagnostic route.
– Read also: The video in which the WHO praises the Italian management of the pandemic
All students and teachers who have tested positive for coronavirus will be able to return to school only with a certificate of recovery and medical clearance to enter or return to the community.
Among other things, the document also clarifies that if a student or a school worker lives with a person who has been infected, “according to the evaluation of the Department of Prevention, close contact will be considered and will be quarantined.” Any other close contact of the infected person, such as the quarantined student’s classmates, does not require quarantine, “unless further evaluations are conducted by the Department of Prevention.”