The bulletin shows that in the period between September 3 and 16, the TR calculated on symptomatic cases is equal to 0.95, below 1 in its average value for the second consecutive week
From the latest bulletin of the National Institute of Health (Iss) and the Ministry of Health it appears that ten Autonomous Regions and Provinces reported an increase in the number of coronavirus cases diagnosed compared to the previous week. This is an increase not solely attributable to an increase in imported cases or more intense detection activity. 84.2% of the new cases are related to infections that occurred in the national territory. Cases imported from abroad fell from 10% to 8% and also those imported from another Region or Autonomous Province experienced a slight decrease (3.3% in the current week compared to 5.5% the previous week). The screening activity made it possible to identify 27.6% of the new diagnosed cases, while another 35.8% were identified by contact tracing. The remaining infections were identified as symptomatic (31.4%). Finally, for 5.2% of new cases the reason for the diagnostic evaluation was not reported.
The situation in the last eight weeks
Rt index: what is it, how is it calculated and what is the difference with R0
The bulletin of the ISS and the Ministry of Health also indicates that for eight weeks a slow and progressive worsening of the coronavirus epidemic has been observed in Italy, which is reflected in a greater burden on health services. This is a trend that reflects a trend common to many European countries, but for now in Italy it remains limited. The ISS and the Ministry of Health, however, urge us not to underestimate the risk of a rapid epidemic recovery due to excessive relaxation of measures.
Problem: Rt below 1 to 0.95. Average age 41 years
The weekly follow-up shows that in the period between September 3 and 16, the Rt calculated on symptomatic cases is equal to 0.95, below 1 in its mean value for the second consecutive week. The ISS invites a cautious interpretation of the national transmission index, emphasizing that at this particular moment it could slightly underestimate the actual transmission of the coronavirus in the national territory. Therefore, conclude the Iss and the Ministry of Health, the national TR must always be interpreted taking into account also the incidence data.
Active shoots
As for the active clusters, their total number is 2868. Of these, 832 are new. Most outbreaks continue to occur in the family environment (76.1% of all active outbreaks), with a slight increase in those associated with recreational activities (6.3%) and in the workplace (5.6% ).