
Published on: 09/25/2020 3:42 PM
“If we want to live with Covid while keeping economic activities open, we must strictly respect the rules and submit to some small sacrifices. The mask should always be worn when you are out and about in your mouth. I know it won’t be like that, e in 3 or 4 days we will verify with our epidemiologists that the contagion curve, instead of stabilizing or going down, worsens, we will close everything. If the alternative is to walk with joy or have dead people in the street, I think there is no doubt about the choice to make ”. This was said by the president of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, during a live Facebook.
“It is not a pleasure to say – he added – but we have a duty to say so. I cordially invite you, please take this recommendation, we make this small sacrifice if we want to keep as many businesses open as possible, otherwise it will not be allowed. After yesterday’s ordinance, which establishes the obligation to wear a mask for all our fellow citizens throughout the day, there will be a 24-hour grace period. The municipal police and law enforcement agencies will have a minimum of tolerance when warning those who do not wear a mask. After 24-48 hours they should start with fines of 1000 euros“.
“No more jokes, the behaviors registered until yesterday and still today are no longer acceptable. It is not possible to go out on the street and find even a person without a mask, it is no longer possible, it is a luxury that we can no longer afford”, Se reaffirmed.
“The alternatives are dramatically simple – De Luca explained – or we decide to live with Covid until the vaccine arrives in 10 months, if all goes well, but if we decide to do so we must respect very strict rules, or the inevitable alternative, not next year but in a week, it will be the gradual closure of economic activities, discos, bars. This is the alternative, there are no third ways ”.
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