In Comun Nuovo, farewell to the child who died 25 days after birth. The memory of her father: “It gave me a lot of strength.” The parish priest: “The success of a life does not depend on its duration.”
“When I held Isabel in my arms after she was just born, all the questions I asked myself as soon as I found out about her arrival, such as’ Will I be able? ‘,’ Will I be up to the task? She managed to give me great strength, great courage: I told myself that I would face anything for this child ».
These are the words with which, on Thursday, September 24, Christian Napoleoni recalled from the pulpit of the parish church of Comun Nuovo, the moment of the birth of his daughter Elizabeth, who died on September 9 at the Pope John XXIII hospital at so much only 25 days.
There are many people who, on Thursday, September 24 (in compliance with the anti-contagion distancing rules), wanted to participate in the little girl’s funeral to say goodbye. The news of her death, the causes of which are still being investigated (the results of the autopsy carried out on Monday are expected), strongly affected the entire Comun Nuovo community, so close to the boy’s family, made up of the father. Christian, mother Sara Ferraris and little sister Katrin. Just yesterday, in church, he couldn’t help looking at his daughter’s small white coffin, adorned with pink flowers, placed in front of the altar where the parish priest Don Claudio Brena celebrated the funeral: “Here is little Isabel. To God to welcome her” , said the priest during his homily, who then highlighted how difficult it is to speak at the funeral, “much less that of a girl who only lives 25 days.”
Time and success
But the success of a life, the parish priest later explained, “does not depend on its duration. In a short time, Isabel was capable of a gesture of charity: she managed to make herself loved by her family and by God who cares for the little ones who are the first in the kingdom of heaven. Let us not ask the Lord why she took it away from us, but rather thank her because she came to benefit us from her presence, making us all reflect on the value of life. Isabel, now we know that you are in joy: from there – he added – support the relatives who are suffering and protect us all ».
At the end of the funeral it was the boy’s father who spoke. And from the pulpit, after remembering the joyous moment of the birth of his daughter, he also managed to face the tragic death, but with words of strength and hope that moved everyone present: “What happened then happened – he said Christian. Napoleoni: I was in the car and I was waiting for Sara. The sky was cloudy. At one point, however, a small piece opened and I saw a star. I like to think that that star was Isabel who, after going up to the sky She looked at me. Then looking at her in turn, I said: “Goodbye my little one, one day we will be together again and no one will divide us anymore.”