The new circular: without a tampon you will not return to school after an absence with symptoms of Covid. In case of suspicious symptoms of a student., he pediatrician or doctor the family should request “punctually in diagnostic test “ to the prevention department. The last circular of the Ministry of Health, of September 24 and released to “provide clarification on the certificates of recovery from Covid-19 or a pathology other than Covid-19 for students and school personnel.”
“To return to the community – read the circular – we will have to wait for the cure according to current criteria”, that is to say making two swabs (molecular biology test) within 24 hours of each other with a double negative result, which may be followed by the end of isolation. “The student or the school worker – we read – will return to school with a certificate of recovery and authorization to enter or return to the community.”
In case of negative test, on the other hand, “the pediatrician or treating physician will evaluate the most appropriate clinical and diagnostic pathway (for example, a possible repetition of the test) and in any case the opportunity to go to school.”
The Ministry of Health this summarizes the guidelines for the school in the case of positive Coronavisrus for pupils and school operators.
In the event of a diagnosis of a disease other than Covid19, the person will remain at home until clinical recovery.