Coronavirus, update of the infections in Palermo and Sicily to September 25, 2020


Another 54 new cases in the province of Palermo, 107 throughout Sicily. There are also two other victims. This is what emerges from today’s newsletter from the Minister of Health on the Coronavirus emergency. The new infections in Palermo would be officially 60, but the Region specifies that 6 of the positives are migrants from the Lampedusa hotspot. The swabs processed in the last 24 hours were 5,330, so the percentage of positives is 2%.

The two dead are both in the Catania area. It is about a seventy-year-old accountant from Biancavilla who got infected with his wife (cured) in a tourist town in Palermo and hospitalized for days in the San Marco hospital in Catania. The other victim is a 76-year-old woman from the province of Ragusa.

The good news comes from hospitals, where for the first time in weeks the number of hospitalized patients (235, -2 compared to yesterday) and in intensive care (13 patients, -3) have fallen. Also from note 36 recovered. The current positives therefore amount to 2,530, of these 2,282 (90%) in home isolation. Instead, this is the division by province: Catania, 24; Messina 2; Syracuse, 1; Enna 3; Ragusa 4; Trapani, 2; Agrigento 9; Caltanissetta 2.

New provisions for residences at Ersu University

To combat and contain the spread of the covid-19 virus, as of Monday, September 28, 2020, it will be possible to access, re-enter or remain in university residences according to new procedures. Specific instructions for students who request a bed for the 2020/21 academic year and / or who intend to access, re-enter or stay in the residences after the summer closure. Entry and / or re-entry or stay at the facilities will begin, as of Monday, September 28, 2020 (only if a regular application for scholarship and accommodation service has been submitted for the 2020/21 academic year), after a negative result of the rapid swab test to which all students who are already residents or who are authorized to enter according to the indicated methods will be subjectedgo to site).

“I wish good work and good study to all university students for the new academic year – declares the president of Ersu, Giuseppe Di Miceli – with everyone’s awareness of the need to observe the prevention procedures and provisions for the common good installed by the body to guarantee benefits and services “.

Newsletter 25-2 September

The situation in the rest of Italy

The new bulletin confirms the worrying trend of a steady increase in the number of new cases of Sars-Cov-2 positivity. Today there are 1,912 new cases of contagion out of the 107,269 swabs processed. Unfortunately, there are also 20 deaths of covid patients. Hospital admissions are stable, but there are three regions under special surveillance: Campania, Lazio and Lombardy.

The latest coronavirus bulletin published yesterday, Thursday, September 24, registered 1,786 new cases compared to a new record of 108,019 swabs (5,000 more than yesterday). 23 new deaths, while hospitalizations (+73) and critical patients (+2) increased. Three regions with more than 200 cases (Veneto, Lombardy and Lazio), 195 cases in Campania.

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter, Friday, September 25

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Currently positive: 47,718
Deaths: 35,801 (+20, + 0.06%)
Discharged / Cured: 222,716 (+954, + 0.43%)
Hospitalized: 2,981 (+4)
Hospitalized in ICU: 244 (-2)
Buffers: 1,089,963 (+107,269)
Total cases: 306,235 (+1,912, + 0.63%)
