Despite Boris Johnson’s recent accusations against Italy, described by the British Prime Minister as a country that is managing to contain the second wave of Covid due to the not too much love for freedom of the citizens of the beautiful country, Carrie Symonds, the prime minister’s girlfriend, on the other hand, seems to highly appreciate the nation the Conservative leader has thundered against. In fact, while Johnson was on his way to Italy on the indicted charges, Carrie, 32, spent, along with three friends and her four-month-old son Wilfred, a luxury vacation in the same country that Boris was pointing at that is, in Lake of como. To realize that this scoop was the Daily mail.
In fact, yesterday the British newspaper published some photos that immortalize the Symonds enjoying, between walks along the lake shore and delicious dinners in the restaurant, an extremely comfortable stay in the renowned Lombard resort, spending the night in the luxurious Grand Hotel Tremezzo, frequented by many wealthy tourists. international.
In the week that Boris told Britain he was in for another six months of Covid winter misery, Carrie Symonds is enjoying a five-star Italian holiday https://t.co/wZg9eQWPPB pic.twitter.com/9Xjvnhh5mw
– Daily Mail UK (@DailyMailUK) September 24, 2020
In particular, the London newspaper highlights the fact that, just as Johnson announced to the nation on Tuesday difficult months of restrictions on certain commercial activities in the name of containing the virus and how his government proceeded to grant subsidies to five million unemployed British people, his girlfriend spent more than 600 euros per night to stay at this elegant hotel, built in 1910.
Other photos released by the newspaper show the prime minister’s girlfriend, along with her friends and Boris’s son, having lunch at the hotel restaurant, savoring a dish with a Mediterranean flavor that costs almost 30 euros: sea bass with tomato, capers and olives.
More images of Carrie’s luxurious vacation show the latter participating, aboard a smooth wooden boat, in a guided tour of the most evocative places of this Lombard land segment, organized by the same hotel and at a cost of more than 300 euros each. ‘Now.
In addition to the photos, the Daily mail provides, as evidence of the comfortable trip to Italy of the prime minister’s girlfriend who recently thundered against the beautiful country, some testimonies from British tourists who met Symonds on the shores of the lake.
“She seemed very relaxed, as if she had no cares in the world.“Her Majesty’s vacationers who met Boris’s girlfriend at the resort in question told the newspaper.