4 minutes, 58 seconds

UPDATE AT 12.30. DAMAGE AND ANNOYANCE IN VARESOTTO – The passage of the strong storm front by the Northwest was very active on the border between Piedmont and Lombardy and was accompanied by violent storms with hail. Involved Biellese, Novarese, Vercellese and Varesotto, this last sector in which there were various damages and inconveniences with numerous calls to the fire control unit. In Castelveccana two people were rescued because they are trapped in their house invaded by rubble and mud. State Highway 394 flooded in Luvinate, a large plant fell at the junction of the Albizzate Solbiate-Arno motorway, torn off by gusts of wind.
GRANDINADO BETWEEN ARETINO AND PERUGINO – A fairly violent storm cell also affects part of central Italy between Tuscany and Umbria, with hail storms reported between Aretino and Perugino. Already at night the Arezzo area had been hit by strong storms that caused the fall of trees, floods and damaged some roofs, so much so that there were several calls to the Fire Brigade.
UPDATE AT 10.50. SNOW IN THE WESTERN ALPS – The entry of cold air begins to be felt in the western alpine areas, where temperatures are suffering a sharp decline and with them the level of snow. Bleached the Sestriere with flakes up to about 1700 m, about 1800 m in the Aosta Valley.
STRONG SEASONS BETWEEN ALTA PIEDMONT AND ALTA LOMBARDIA – An intense storm line is crossing the northwest on a west-east trajectory and has discharged thunderstorms also of strong intensity in upper Piedmont in the area of Verbano and the Lombard shore of Lake Maggiore, with rain accumulations of up to 50 mm. Other showers and storms, of less intensity, involve the Lombard-Venetian foothills and Friuli VG.
TEMPORARY IN THE MIDDLE-LOWER TIRRENE, SEA TROMBA IN SALERNO – The most advanced part of the front is facing the south-central sector of the Tyrrhenian with showers and storms that from Sardinia have reached the lower Lazio and Campania, accompanied by gusts of wind Libeccio. A trumpet was sighted in the morning off the coast of Salerno, which dissolved immediately after hitting the ground and also after causing some damage.
AT THE SEA OF NIGHT TRUMPET IN GENOA – During the night that has just passed, strong storms involved the Genoese, accompanied by a sea horn that reached the coast with gusts of wind that tore off some posters and poles in the eastern area.
UPDATE AT 9 AM. Piloted by a deep depression that is being excavated from the North Atlantic towards the central Mediterranean an intense disturbance is passing through Italy mainly affecting the central-north regions, giving rise to locally very disturbed climatic conditions, with stormy rains, even of strong intensity, in addition to a drop in temperatures that is beginning to be felt in the alpine areas.
IN THE NORTH 100MM IN LIGURIA AND FRIULI – During the night, heavy rains and thunderstorms affected Liguria in the area of Genoa, with rainfall accumulations that in the interior of the country have reached 100 mm. The storms are released in the early hours of the morning over the upper Piedmont between Verbano and the Lombard border, while the showers pass through the western Alps on the border with France and in the Aosta Valley, where the effect of the air begins to cold on arrival and temperatures are falling. The extreme northeast and in particular Friuli VG, where strong night storms have accumulated up to 110 mm of rain in the Gorizia. The storms in Piedmont subsided, after the storms that yesterday affected part of the Monferrato, and in particular the Val Bormida, with the consequent floods.
TEMPORARY IN SARDINIA – In Sardinia, strong electrical storms target the north-central areas of the island with a west-east trajectory and rainfall accumulations that reach the apex between Sassarese and Nuorese with values between 30 and 40 mm.
INTENSE PHENOMENA ABOUT SIBILLINI – In the peninsular areas there are showers over the upper part of Tuscany and the inland areas between Lazio, Baja Marche and Abruzzo. Particularly affected is the area of the Sibillini mountains on the border between Marche and Umbria, where there are peaks of more than 60 mm of rainfall.
THE FRONT COMES TO PART OF THE SOUTH – The first phenomena related to the new disturbance begin to spread to the southern regions that involve Campania, Upper Puglia and Basilicata and, in particular, the Salerno, where severe night storms have caused the accumulation of rain of more than 70 mm and a sea horn was detected near the coast in the early morning.
WEATHER THE NEXT HOURS. The disturbance will continue its journey to the southeast and the climate will remain stable unstable or disturbed in northern part, in particular in eastern Liguria, Lombardy and Triveneto, with showers and thunderstorms, even intense in the afternoon, near the mountains and with hailstorms and local storms. Handover phenomena at night in Emilia Romagna. At the same time, brilliant spells will take over the Northwest Plains. The cold air intake pushing the front will determine the‘Snow level drop in the Alps to 1100/1300 m at night. In the rest of Italy exposed to bad weather it will be mainly Sardinia and the Tyrrhenian Sea, where we will have rains and even intense thunderstorms, especially in the afternoon in the regions of the Tyrrhenian side where there may be hail and local storms. The Adriatic and Ionian regions will remain more sheltered, with more luminous spells except for some showers that cross the central Adriatic during the day. At night some storms in transit also in Puglia. Temperature decreasing in the north and in the Tyrrhenian. Twenty Forts of Libeccio tending to Mistral in Sardinia, gusts of fohn reaching the Northwest. For all the details go to the section Weather Italy. For the evolution of the weekend Click here.
