Covid in Sardinia, five deaths in just two days: this is the most worrying figure in recent months. Today the death of the brother of politician Giorgio Oppi, Franco, turned 83. And that of Virgilio Melis, the pensioner of Gonnesa, his heart has stopped beating in the Holy Trinity. And a third death, that of Father Guglielmi, who died in Sassari. All this while the Sardinian Covid ends up on the pages of the national sites also and above all due to the death of the youngest patient, Fabio Lecis de Isili, just 33 years old. And scientists warn: “Even young people take risks, the irresponsible should be isolated.” Scientist Francesco Cucca explained to Casteddu Online today: “Pneumonia and the increase in patients requiring hospitalization and intensive care will become increasingly apparent as we move into the cold and wet seasons. Smart behaviors will be needed. And a group conscience that isolates and systematically expresses its disapproval of the irresponsible ”. And then there are those news peppered with controversy that rebound from hospitals, which speak of a Polyclinic and Brotzu with some departments collapsing, and places sold out in Medicine. Clouds almost as black as the weather forecast for the next few hours. And Emiliano Deiana de Anci spreads numbers as cold as incisive: “On April 30, 1,295 positive cases were registered in Sardinia, 16 hospitalizations in intensive care, 103 in other wards. Since August 20 until today, 1,838 new cases have been verified, 21 are patients in intensive care and 100 hospitalized in other services. The “cold news” about the numbers should be enough for people to understand the seriousness of the current situation, “says Deiana.
This is the most worrying figure because it was not only in July that infections had stopped on the island, which reached the desired zero level even in intensive care. But because the deaths that occurred with summer infections are also on the rise, even at the beginning of September, such as that of Franco Oppi who left deep mourning in Iglesias where tomorrow the funeral of the brother of the former regional health minister will take place. And these five deaths seem to show that you can sadly die with Covid at any age. Of course, scaremongering is also out of place, the situation is not the critical of March and April, however it is clear that the fear of a second wave, with the newly reopened schools in Sardinia, cannot be exorcised except with a behavior of great responsibility on the part. of all citizens. Which does not mean locking yourself at home, but respecting the basic rules of social distancing and the use of masks, the use of disinfectant gels, all those good habits that perhaps will continue to be the only positive aspect of this sad 2020. We must not be afraid, But at this point, responsibility may be the only winning weapon.