NoiPA: news coming soon for Public Administration employees who use the platform As change access.
The login credentials that NoiPA users are used to (tax code) will soon disappear and will make room for them by 2021 it will be SPID, he Public Digital Identity System.
A few more months for the revolution in the world of Public Administration to be completed so that even those who will have to verify in NoiPA the payroll or other services will have to get SPID.
In addition, the INPS, as of October 1, proceeds gradually, as NoiPA, of PIN access to SPID; in fact, the first of that date will no longer be released.
NoiPA itself communicates the news of the change in access to services with a message on the site. Let’s see how the service changes and especially the deadlines to request SPID.

NoiPA, news: this is how access changes
Change access in NoiPA with some novelties along the way that generally concern the usability of the digital services of the Public Administration for which the SPID will be needed. But How does it change and especially what is the moment?
According to the NoiPA statement at the end of August that illustrated the upcoming innovations, with the Simplifications decree of July 16, which has now become law n. 120/2020, we want to promote the dissemination of public services on the network and thus simplify the access of citizens and companies to them.
NoiPA, as well as the other services of the Public Administration, before February 28, 2021 will be usable only through access with SPID or alternatively with the YOU, Electronic Identity Card. Always for that date also theIO application it will have to be transformed to allow all users to have access to the AP with SPID.
Obviously in NoiPA, considering the transition period, as is the case of pensions, access will continue to be possible no later than September 30, 2021 with other credentials.

NoiPA: already 10 million SPID
And in view of the change in access to NoiPA, a recent press release on the platform talks about 10 million active SPID accounts in September. These accounts correspond to people who can access public address services more easily with SPID.
We talk, NoiPA communicates 4.5 million more users and the increase is undoubtedly due to the new terms imposed after the Simplification Decree came into force.
Not only with SPID you can access NoiPA and use all the services of the Public Administration online thanks to PaymentPA (to quickly pay contributions for public contests for example) and the IO application that we have mentioned, but it is also possible to acquire the remote signature.
The SPID identity is also the access key to the public services provided by the member states of the European Union that have joined the node eIDAS.
Through the complete Money.it guide you can get a clearer idea of what SPID is and how to request it, so that you can be prepared for February 28 when digital identity will be the only way to access NoiPA and other services of the Public Administration.