Sick absences for teachers and Ata, here are the ranges of availability for fiscal visits When there is no obligation


Teacher absences and Ata due to illness: what are the ranges of availability for fiscal visits?

Article 3 of Decree No. 206/2017 indicates the availability ranges in case of sick leave for PA employees:

  • from 9 to 13
  • from 15 to 18.

The obligation to be available also exists on holidays and non-working days.

When there is no obligation

Exclusions from the availability obligation:

1. Employees whose absence is attributable to any of the following circumstances are excluded from the obligation to respect the availability bands:
a) serious illnesses requiring life-saving therapies;
b) Recognized cause of service that led to the single or multiple impairment being attributable to the first three categories of Table A attached to the decree of the President of the Republic of December 30, 1981, n. 834, or to pathologies included in Table E of the same decree;
c) pathological states underlying or linked to the situation of recognized disability, equal to or greater than 67%.

We recall that, with circular no. 106 of September 23, the INPS announced that a new service is available for the use of working citizens for the communication of the change of residence of availability in case of common illness, for the purposes of the possible provision of the home medical check-up.
