The health worker was infected in early summer during a vacation, he is the youngest victim of Covid-19 on the island.
Dies a 33 years for Covid-19 before arriving at the Santissima Trinità hospital in Cagliari in desperate conditions. Fabio Lecis, originally from Isili, a province in the south of Sardinia, died while being transported by ambulance to the emergency room due to complications from severe respiratory failure. This is the youngest victim for Covid-19 on the island, according to Ansa.
The man, a health worker who worked at a retirement home in his village of Isili, was one of the first infected with coronavirus in Sardinia since early summer. I would contract the disease while on vacation in Costa Smeralda.
From what he learned from the Unione Sarda, the 33-year-old suffered from previous illnesses and, remained in home isolation after his positivity was registered, was followed home by the Ats, until in the last hours his conditions worsened to the point of requiring a rush to the hospital with the 118. Finally, it was useless.
VIRGILIO NEWS | 09/24/2020 07:25