Coronavirus today September 24, Covid newsletter. 100 infections in Emilia Romagna


Bologna, September 24, 2020 – contagion always the fee 100. If yesterday was 101, the Coronavirus bulletin today, September 24, Talk about 99 new positives in Emilia Romagna, of which 56 asymptomatic, found thanks to contact tracing and regional screening. HE tampons processed in the last 24 hours are 11,096, for a total of 1,121,383. To these are added 1,960 serological tests. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 epidemic, cases have risen to 34,711. Unfortunately, there is also a death: This is an 88-year-old man from the province of Reggio Emilia. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 epidemic, cases have risen to 34,711.

For more information on the Coronavirus Italy Bulletin, Covid data from September 24. Today’s table

The genesis of infections

Of the 99 new cases, 47 were already isolated at the time the swab was performed and 47 were always identified in the context of sprouts It is already known. There are 7 new infections connected to you come from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if arriving from non-Schengen countries and one swab if returning from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. The number of return cases from other regions is 9.

L‘middle age of the new positives today he is 48 years old.

From 56 new asymptomatic31 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 17 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 8 thanks to pre-hospital screening.

Case boom in Bologna

Regarding the situation in the territory, the highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Bologna (33), Modena (12), Piacenza (12) and Parma (11).

In the province of Bologna, of 33 new positives, 21 refer to known outbreaks of family origin or frequency in public places, 12 are sporadic cases. Of the 33, 8 rubbed due to a professional category at risk, 6 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 1 returned from abroad (Tunisia), 3 from other regions (Liguria, Puglia and Tuscany) and 15 swabbed in the presence of symptoms.

In the province of Modena, of 12 new positive cases, 7 are attributable to known outbreaks, 2 from workplace controls and 3 are sporadic cases.

In the province of Piacenza, of 12 new positives, 8 refer to the tracking of already known cases – 7 attributable to family outbreaks, with a person from another province -, 1 identified thanks to pre-hospital screening, 1 to screening in a patient already hospitalized, 1 who returns from abroad (Albania) and 1 person who performed the swab in the presence of symptoms.

A Parma and province there are 11 new positives: 6 detected in contact tracing activities, 3 symptomatic and 2 returning from abroad (Romania and Macedonia).

The Covid map

Positive cases, which refer to the province in which the diagnosis was made, are distributed at the territorial level as follows: 4,988 a Piacenza (+12, of which 3 symptomatic), 4,222 years Parma (+11, of which 4 symptomatic), 5,738 to Reggio emilia (+9, of which 4 symptomatic), 4,845 years Modena (+12, of which 7 symptomatic), 6,179 to Bologna (+33, of which 18 symptomatic), 563 to Imola (+1, symptomatic), 1,418 a Ferrara (+9, of which 2 symptomatic), 1,762 to Ravenna (+7, of which 2 symptomatic), 1,322 years Forlì (+1, symptomatic, 1,109 to Cesena (no new positives), 2,565 a Rimini (+4, of which 1 symptomatic).

Active cases increase

Active cases, that is, the number of real sick, to date are 4,627 (+ 14 compared to yesterday).

People in isolate the house, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment, or are asymptomatic, are a total of 4,415 (+9 compared to yesterday), 95% of active cases. The 20 patients in intensive care remained unchanged, 192 (+5) hospitalized in the other Covid wards.

People as a whole heal They reached 25,604 (+84 compared to yesterday): 8 “clinically cured”, that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 25,596 those declared totally cured because they were negative in two consecutive tests.

“60 cases of Covid in schools in the region”

“ME protocols for the management of coronavirus in schools they are working “and in Emilia Romagna so far there have been about sixty cases in the school environment. This was stated by Raffaele Donini, regional adviser for health policies, on the sidelines of a videoconference that provided an initial assessment on the resumption of activity school and the trend of the epidemic in the region. ”In the schools – Donini explains – we have registered about sixty cases throughout the region, we have made two thousand swabs and we have isolated 224 students and 81 among teaching and non-teaching staff. functioning “in terms of the” ability to intervene promptly. “” To date there are no outbreaks but unique cases “.

The rules for masks in Emilia Romagna

In Emilia-Romagna “the security standards and protocols for More expensive These are the ones we validated together with the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry this summer. There Campania has different numbers both when it comes to the spread of the virus and the ability to tampons which seems to me more circumscribed “, says the commissioner Donini It answers a question about the hypothesis of returning to the obligation to wear a mask, always, outdoors, as announced by the Governor of Campania.

“As far as we are concerned – Donini stressed – the recommendation is to observe the rules that exist, that is: wearing a mask if there is no possibility of distancing is a golden rule that we want to emphasize.

“We are firmly among the regions that test the most, because everyday we have about 10 thousand swabs and 2 thousand serological tests performed – Donini explained – who have been able to quickly identify the cases and sprouts to limit them and turn them off. ”

Covid in Italy, the numbers

the national newsletter yesterday the trend of the period was confirmed. New infections date back to 1,640 (+248), also due to the increase in tampons that exceed the threshold of 100,000 (103,696, +16,393). Twenty dead in 24 hours (+6). The positive patients are 46,114 (+625): 43,212 in home isolation (+566), 2,658 hospitalized with symptoms (+54), 244 in intensive care (+5). Those recovered yesterday are 995. The region with the most infections is Campania (248), followed by Lombardy (196) and Lazio (195). The new newsletter of the Ministry of Health, which we will report here.

In the world and in Europe Covid continues to gallop at alarming speed.

Mobile phones prohibited in Ferrarini. “Source of infections”

From Monday togo to Ferrarini of Reggio emilia Employees should leave the phone at home, or in the car, without taking it within the perimeter of the company. A decision made with a view to Health and security and that he found the positive response from the majority union Rsu, with which the chief of staff Anna giovanelli I had a meeting yesterday morning. “The reason for this provision is hygienic-sanitary, nothing more,” explains Giovanelli-. The possibility of a second confrontation with the union parties remains open to understand if and what criticisms there will be ”. The provision establishes that the cell phone cannot be brought and used even in the outdoor patio area “because people often have difficulties identifying the limits,” he adds. have no cases of Covid even during the confinement, this is not the time to lower our guard.


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