Covid, Boris Johnson: «Are things better in Italy? Because in Britain we love freedom “


The words of the British Prime Minister during the interrogation in the House of Commons – Ansa /CorriereTv

The number of infections in Britain is increasing. The risk that the health system will have to face a second wave of hospitalizations is shaking the country, grappling with the risk between a new lockdown and the strengthening of the local tracking and testing system, a system that nevertheless in Britain has never taken off. During questions to the House of Commons, the speaker asked Prime Minister Boris Johnson why in Italy and Germany the percentage of infections is still lower than the national, “could it be – he says – that they have a public system of tests and monitoring. and at the territorial level that really works “Boris Johnson, convinced that the test and trace system is fallacious and unnecessary, responds that the history of the country prevents the people (the British, ed) from uniformly obeying the guidelines that (the speaker ) believes they are indispensable. Proof of this are the last 300 years of the history of Great Britain “which has always been at the forefront of freedom of thought and democracy.”
