Why does Italy have fewer coronavirus cases than the UK even though both countries were similarly affected by the first wave? Because the British are “freedom lovers”, that is, they love freedom (obviously more than health security). Word of the leader of the government of London, Boris Johnson.
During Question Time in Westminster, responding to a dispute by Labor MP Ben Bradshaw about “why Germany or Italy” are currently recording fewer official infections on the island without having adopted new restrictive measures, Johnson responded by arguing that resistance from one side of The British accepting restrictions and obligations in the fight against the coronavirus – from social contacts to the use of masks – is also the result of the liberal or libertarian mentality, more widespread in the Kingdom than “many other countries”. Here is the video:
My question asking Johnson why #Germany AND #Italy have much lower # COVID-19 rates that seem to have hit a nerve # covid19uk pic.twitter.com/Z351pkG4SK
– Ben Bradshaw (@BenPBradshaw) September 22, 2020
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“There is an important difference – argued Johnson – between our country and many others in the world, since ours is a country that has always loved freedom. If we look at the history of the last 300 years, every advance, since the freedom of word for democracy, practically came from this country. ” Therefore, it is very difficult – he concluded – to ask the British people to uniformly obey the directives necessary today, “he concluded. Perhaps forgetting to add that the freedom of a person not to wear a mask ends where that of another person who wanted to do so. be free to go to work or the supermarket without getting infected.