
The presentation of the request for the establishment of the evaluation commissions of the written test of the extraordinary contest for the role referred to in the Departmental Decree no. 510 of 04/23/2020 and DD n. 783 of July 8, 2020.
The application can be submitted electronically, through the Contest platform available on the website www.miur.gov.it, accessible from the MIUR Reserved Area / Services / All services / Contest Platform and Selective Procedures.
It should be noted that, within the same period, university professors can also submit an application, through the platform of the CINECA website, which can be accessed at https://loginmiur.cineca.it/.
The note of the Ministry of September 23, 2020
A commission for each RSU
The extraordinary competition procedure for the position, given the need to evaluate the candidates’ documents, provides commissions for each type of competition.
To find out which regions will host the commissions, it is necessary to consult Annex B of DD 510 where the main and aggregated regions are indicated. Aspiring commissioners and presidents may run only in the region of service or, in the case of retired personnel, in the region of residence.
The decree
The test date has not yet been set.
Why the extension for the submission of applications
The most immediate explanation is found in the technical difficulties that did not allow the application to be sent in the first business days to submit the application. And therefore a physiological delay that should not affect the performance of the test, scheduled for October (in which region the test will take place, two possibilities)
There are those who see in this extension an SOS available to teachers to participate in the process. This would mean that the RSUs have already “counted” the nominations. We have some doubts about it. In the latter case, in fact, it is usually the only USR that organizes a specific opening of the procedure.
Composition of commissions
The art. 7 of the directing decree establishes that each commission will be chaired by a university professor or by a technical director or by a school director and will be made up of two teachers. The presence of a secretary is also foreseen.
Teachers must be confirmed in tenure, with at least five years of service, including their role, in the institutions of the education and training system. In the case of AFAM teachers, it should be noted that no mention is made of the service prior to the role.
The RSU, for the election of the members of the commission, must follow the criteria of precedence given to it:
to. Doctoral degrees; specialization diploma; postgraduate diploma equivalent by law or statute and included in annex 4 of the decree of the Director General of school personnel of March 31, 2005; scientific research activity based on grants under art. 51, paragraph 6, of Act No. 449, or art. 1, paragraph 14, of Act No. 230, or art. 22 of the law of December 30, 2010, n. 240; national scientific title for first or second level professor, in disciplinary sectors according to the type of teaching;
second. have performed the activity of supervising teacher or organizing tutor or coordinating tutor in qualifying courses for secondary education or have held teaching positions in the aforementioned courses;
C. diploma of specialization in support of students with disabilities; re. postgraduate or postgraduate specialization diploma, 1st or 2nd level university master’s degree with final exam, in the context of special educational needs.
The Secretary
The secretary must be identified among the administrative personnel belonging to the second area or higher, or to the corresponding areas of the education and research sector, in accordance with the correspondence provided in table no. 9, relating to the school sector, attached to the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of June 26, 2015.
Gender restriction
Section 6 also provides for a gender restriction for the formation of committees: the presence of both sexes in them must be guaranteed, except in cases of justified impossibility.
Personal conditions that prevent the position of president and member of the committees
Article 8 establishes the impediments that are common in this type of bankruptcy proceedings.
In particular, applicants for commission members must not:
to. have received criminal convictions or have criminal proceedings under way for which criminal proceedings have been formally initiated;
second. have ongoing disciplinary procedures;
C. having incurred disciplinary sanctions;
re. You have been retired for more than three years from the publication date of the Notice and, if you are retired, you have reached your seventieth birthday on the same date;
is. from one year before the call for the procedure, be members of the political direction of the administration, hold political positions and be union representatives, even in unitary union representatives, or be appointed by the confederations and union organizations or by professional associations ;
F. have kinship relationships, affinity within the fourth degree or habitual coexistence with one or more competitors;
gram. carry out, or have carried out in the year prior to the call for the procedure, activities or courses to prepare for competitions for the hiring of teachers;
h. have been fired or fired from employment for disciplinary reasons, for health reasons, or for loss of employment, as determined.
Presentation of questions and formation of committees
Art. 9 defines the procedures for the formation of committees.
Among the provisions of the different sections of the article, the following aspects are of special interest:
– the application must be submitted only for the region where the service is located or, in the case of retired applicants, in the region of residence;
– the curriculum vitae must be attached;
– In the event of a lack of candidates, the manager in charge of the competent RSU appoints the presidents and members with their own reasoned writing, without prejudice to the requirements and causes of incompatibility provided for by this decree and by current legislation and law acceptance of the appointment;
– If it is not possible to find commissioners, the manager in charge of the RSU, with his own reasoned decree, makes use of the designation of university professors, permanent researchers, type A or type B fixed-term in accordance with art. 24, paragraph 3, letters a) and b) referred to in Act No. 240, research fellows, hired professors with at least three years of teaching experience.
Finally, paragraph 12 prescribes the school directors of the educational institutions to which they belong to favor participation in the activities of the teachers’ commissions that make up the commissions.
The art. 7 section 7, indicates that the rates will be those provided by current legislation: therefore, it can be assumed that the rates for the 2018 tender, which ranged between € 400 and € 500, are confirmed.
Computer station testing
In any case, the tests of the computer stations are completed today.
OrizzonteScuola Formazione preparation course Extraordinary competition for paper