“Fines that the new decree now returns to the initial amount, from 10 to 50,000 euros, but that will almost never be applied because – it is immediately clarified – the prohibition of transit and parking in territorial waters cannot be applied” in the hypothesis of operations of rescue immediately communicated to the coordination center responsible for maritime rescue and the flag State and carried out in accordance with the instructions of the competent authority for search and rescue at sea “.
Pact on immigrants, the EU Commission: mandatory solidarity. Redistribution or sponsored returns
In Article 19, paragraph 1, the fundamental principle established by international law is clarified and which is in stark contrast to the recovery of migrants at sea by the Libyan coast guard that Italy assists and supports. It says: “The return, expulsion or extradition of a person to a State is not allowed if there are reasonable grounds to believe that they are at risk of being subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment. I also take into account the existence, in that State, of serious and systematic violations of human rights ”.
Playing now ….
The series of new residence permits has been considerably expanded, as announced. This is not a return, tout court, to humanitarian protection, but special protection is guaranteed for all vulnerable categories and the conversion of many types of residence permits into work permits.
And again, Article 5 bis restores the right to register asylum seekers who are issued an identity card with a validity limited to the national territory and with a duration of three years. It halved the period of detention in the repatriation centers for migrants waiting to be returned to their country of origin, from 180 to 90 days “extendable to another 30 if the foreigner is a citizen of a country with which Italy has signed agreements on repatriation “.
Article 4 of the new decree is the one that comprehensively reforms the reception system now called the “reception and integration system”. Returning to the generalized system and re-establishing a series of services also for asylum seekers from whom Salvini had substantially taken away all rights. In the centers “, in addition to the material reception services, health care, social and psychological assistance, linguistic-cultural mediation, the administration of Italian language courses and services are provided, also with territorial organization methods. Legal and territorial orientation” . Holders of international protection, unaccompanied minors and holders of special protection then receive “job orientation and vocational training”.