“Strong storms are coming, up to 150 mm of water in 6 hours” (Then hail)


Strong instability and consequently “temperament and storms”. Bad weather scares Milan and the province -especially the Milanese high-, which in the next few hours will be faced with weather conditions that are announced to be decidedly complicated.

The analysis of the Lombard Meteorological Center leaves little room for doubt. “We are about to witness a meteorological shock in Bel Paese”, announce the experts, who speak of a “potentially dangerous” situation.

A towering North Atlantic disturbance, which at high latitudes has just been propelled by a pulse of icy air caught even from northern Greenland, will cause a majestic meridian to sink into the Mediterranean on Friday, September 25, 2020. And it will be a satellite panorama of great occasions. As you can guess, given that the shy but long-tailed summer has just ended here, the thermo-hygrometric contrasts within this disturbance will be locally extreme. As of Thursday afternoon, a phase of strong instability will be outlined, with scattered showers / thunderstorms and locally very intense storms, whose main, if not the only, criticality is represented by the enormous amount of rain concentrated in a short time in restricted areas, therefore, risk of flooding in the plain and hydrogeological risk in the pre-foothills-alpines “, they explain from Cml.

Bad weather, the two highest risk areas

“There are basically two areas that we think we should pay special attention to. The first, the one that generates the greatest concern for the mentioned hydraulic / hydrogeological risk, is the high plateau and the western foothills ”, therefore” Novarese, Varesotto, Alto Milanese, Brianza, Luganese, Lario and Orobie Bergamasche, where a persistent confluence of eastern winds in the lower strata could determine semi-stationary storm lines, with really significant accumulations, up to 150 mm in 6 hours ”, the meteorologists forecast. “During the night the phenomena will gradually move eastward, but with less stationarity characteristics, which, in these cases, is a salvation.”

“The second Lombard area to watch is the one adjacent to Emilia, between the upper Oltrepò Pavese and the low plains of Lodigiano, Cremonese and especially Mantovano – the experts continue -. In these sectors, isolated strong storms could be triggered in the middle of the afternoon, in the race ‘towards Bresciano-Gardesano, therefore, in the middle of the night the entry of a massive storm line is likely rising from Ligurian di Levante, Lunigiana and Versilia in check “.

Photo – The map of the meteorologists.

bad weather map September 24

“The general situation will only be mitigated in the middle of the night of Friday 25, to then leave room for a window of hasty temporary calm. Already from the early hours of Friday afternoon, however, the strong instability in the region, with the triggering of scattered showers and thunderstorms, local hail, unlike on Thursday, when the risk of hail seems very low or almost zero. Also on Friday night, the entry of abundant cold air at high altitude from the northwest will likely push the snow in the eastern Rhaetian mountains to mid-mountain altitudes, about 1500m. ”

For Milan, starting at 12 noon on September 24, an ordinary critical weather alert (code yellow, hazard level 2 out of 4) was issued for severe electrical storms and hydraulic hazard. As always, in addition to the flooding and disturbances, the level of Seveso and Lambro is worrying.

Photo – The alert for Thursday, September 24

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Weather alert from September 24 to 2
