in progress, as far as we know, theEvacuation of the Ministry of Economic Development due to coronavirus. The decision on the entire personal body of the Mise de via Molise is imposed after that an employee who tested positive for Covid-19. The virus containment protocols were activated and the presence of the positive employee was reported to the competent ASL The office will reopen, the ministry reports, as soon as the sanitation procedure is completed.
Meanwhile, the data from Gimbe Foundation, calculated in the week of September 16 to 22, compared to the previous one. A week with percentages that show the resumption of Covid-19 infections and marks an increase of 10.9% (10,907 against 9,837) in new cases of coronavirus in Italy, an increase of 14.5% in currently positive cases, and also 17.2% of hospitalized patients with symptoms and 38% in intensive care (239 vs 201). Strong increase, + 50%, in deaths, after the substantial stability registered last week. Cases analyzed +15.312 (+ 4.1%), total swabs: +52.304 (+ 9%).
September 24, 2020 | 10:17