
Cagliari, September 24, 2020 – Another young victim of Coronavirus in Italy. This time in Sardinia a Cagliari, where the 33-year-old Fabio Lecis yesterday he arrived at the Santissima Trinità hospital emergency room in desperate conditions. He arrived at the hospital with severe respiratory failure, his heart had already stopped beating in the ambulance. Despite all the attempts of the doctors, he had nothing to do. What we learn, suffered from previous illnesses.
According to some news agencies, he hired the COVID-19 during Ferragosto in Costa Smeralda, where he was on vacation and had frequented some clubs in the area. He would have been one of the first infected in the group and so far he is the youngest of the 146 who have died in the region since the beginning of the pandemic. El Agi, however, reports that there are no confirmations of the news that Lecis actually fell ill on the Costa Smeralda.
He lived in Isili, a small town of 2,600 inhabitants in Sarcidano, south of Sardinia about 70 kilometers from the capital. He worked as a health social worker at a local retirement home. After testing positive for the virus, ATS followed him at his home until yesterday afternoon, when his condition suddenly worsened. Hence the 118 call and the desperate rush to the hospital.
With the 33-year-old Isili, there are three Covid victims in Sardinia in the last 24 hours. “One of the inexplicable and unacceptable moments that can only represent the pain of such a serious loss,” wrote Luca Pilia, mayor of Isili, in a message of condolence to the young man’s parents. “It is one of the darkest and saddest days that our community is called to receive.”
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